
Popular audio company Sonos recently made changes to its U.S. privacy policy that have raised concerns among customers. The update to the privacy policy removed a line stating that the company does not sell customer data to third parties, causing some to question the implications of this change.

In the 2023 version of the privacy policy, Sonos explicitly stated, “We do not and will not sell your personal data to third parties.” However, this statement has been omitted from the 2024 version of the policy in the United States, although it remains in privacy policies in other countries.

The modification to the privacy policy has sparked reactions from Sonos users on platforms like Reddit, where customers have expressed their discontent with the company, particularly following the rollout of a new app design in May. The new app design has been criticized for lacking essential features such as the ability to edit a song queue, manage playlists, and shuffle music libraries.

Some Sonos users who were already dissatisfied with the changes to the app now view the privacy policy update as another reason to be disappointed in the company. A Reddit user with the handle RemarkableAgent1350 commented, “What is happening at Sonos? This hurts to read, especially after all the app drama – and from a company that I loved. This just might be the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak. I think I’m done with Sonos.”

It is essential to note that the removal of the line from the privacy policy does not confirm that Sonos is selling customer data. As of now, the company has not provided any clarification on what this change signifies.

This development underscores the growing importance of privacy and data protection for consumers in the digital age. With increasing concerns about data security and privacy breaches, companies like Sonos must be transparent about how they handle customer data to maintain trust and credibility.

As technology continues to advance, consumers are becoming more vigilant about their privacy rights and are holding companies accountable for their data practices. It remains to be seen how Sonos will address the concerns raised by its customers regarding the privacy policy update and whether the company will provide more clarity on its data-sharing practices in the future.