First celebration – there are only twenty-seven left – of the San Isidro Fair and first full of “There are no tickets” (a few more are expected) in Las Ventas. That, about people who go or stop going to bullfights, has become part of the argument for political decisions like now the Medal in question and in the more or less near future who knows what.

The threatened present and future were discussed in the morning in the Antonio Bienvenida Room of the Madrid bullring by prominent representatives of the bullfighting countries, at the launch of the International Council of Bullfighting Cultures.

Fans and audiences come to the Isidril bullfighting afternoons (which, although similar, are not the same) from their daily routine, the office, the factory, the home, the studies… and with them, foreigners (many Catalans) of all geographies. When settling in – so to speak – on stands, stands and barrages, they greet the local resident (which is sometimes repeated throughout the Fair and other times not); They scan the flags, not out of patriotic ardor but to check the strength of the wind, “the worst enemy of the bullfighters” – which in Las Ventas has a subscription and did not appear today – and when at seven o’clock the music plays on all the clocks and , the matadors in front, the gangs appear, everything is now in the ring and good luck to everyone! It is much more than a wish. It is the recognition of those dressed in gold, silver, jet and colored silks who are going to put their lives on the board, before the bull.

Affectionate, the name of the one who opened the plaza and Feria, the bull from García Pulido’s confirmation ceremony, did not make many friends in the first thirds due to his elusive behavior.

It happened that when it came to taking the crutch, the attacks were long and dedicated, allowing García Pulido very close and low-handed round rounds. Only one natural series, of lower note, and back to the right python, the chest passes shone, especially. Adjust the bernadines prior to the lunge, entering into straightness.

The request for an ear did not come to fruition but the ovation that García Pulido received had the force of unanimity. And that, in Madrid, is already a what. Nor did the second one allow Morante the slightest show with the cape and then knocked down the picador (who, battered, had to go to the infirmary) in the first match.

Bullfighting in abundance from Morante in the opening of the task and right blows with the plant established and with adjustment. Then, three extraordinary naturals, with low hands. Again with the right hand, attacks with the face high but the final trench of the shootout, of poster and again in the natural one some loose of category. But all the security shown was diluted when going in to kill was what he did several times in a flight format and a decomposed gesture, while the public’s anger turned into anger. Two warnings sounded and an accurate mistake prevented the disgrace of the third one arriving and, with it, the bull to the corral.

Diego Urdiales, bullfighter of essences, paragon of purity, celebrates twenty-five years of alternative this season. The first veronicas of the afternoon arrived in the Urdiales area and had their substance.

He went to the media to toast the public and began to bullfight like angels. Serious bull, also his attacks through the left piton and Diego taking them to the end.

He lowered the pitch in the final round because the one from Alcurrucén said up to here and Urdiales had no choice but to take the sword, leaving a stab at the top, after going in to kill with the same truth as bullfighting. They waved handkerchiefs but not enough. And Urdiales, always a bullfighter, decided to go around the ring, a disused prize who knows why.

The fourth did not allow Morante anything other than to lead him to the horse when it came to the third of rods and a fight that Curro Javier handled very well. As superiors were the two pairs of banderillas of João Ferreira, who greeted a great ovation.

The beginning of Morante’s work was a spell of art, trenches and trenches, dazzling. But alas! The bull decided to boycott what seemed wonderful and stopped, leaving Morante, who went for the sword, and twenty-two thousand more people with honey on their lips. And what I don’t know, I don’t know…

The fifth, more of the same if it is about behavior in front of the capes and, changing the third, was to feel the punch on his back and flee in terror, until he finally received two punches. In banderillas, a drink for the Urdiales gang.

Bossy start of work, bending low, to lower the fumes to Alcurrucén, but not even like that. Bronco bull, measuring, that he did not allow anything other than what Urdiales did, macheting him and killing him with decorum.

With the afternoon already weighing (García Pulido more, since his turn in the first) in the minds of many, he went out to the sixth which, for a change, he handled without concealment. But the Toledo native, very determined, began to fight without problems for the right piton, then for the left, and he did it with commendable firmness and good cutting. The bull, however, continued to do its thing and charged without what is expected of a brave bull, which was not the case, of course.

This is how the first of the Fair ended and everyone came to the point about gypsies and good principles and that the best is yet to come. And twenty-eight afternoons at Las Ventas are like ninety minutes at the Bernabéu. They already know.