The plenary session of Congress approved this Thursday the artistic education law, the first of the legislature, which after almost two years of work has led to “a great final agreement, almost unprecedented,” in the words of Minister Pilar Alegría.

On the same day that the Government has withdrawn the reform of the land law to avoid another parliamentary defeat and after the Lower House rejected the socialist pimping law on Tuesday, around twenty amendments from the Senate have been debated and Eleven from the PP and one from Bildu have been incorporated into the final text.

There has not been an overall vote, given that the text was already approved in the Senate on the 8th, with the vote in favor of the PP, the rejection of Vox and Junts, and the support of the rest of the groups.

For 30 years there has been no basic legislation to encompass the teaching of Music, Dance, Dramatic Art; Conservation and restoration of cultural property; Plastic arts; to which Creative Writing and Audiovisual Arts are now added as a novelty.

The project, to which half a dozen amendments from the PP have been incorporated today, regulates higher artistic education, its centers and teaching staff; It includes the rights and duties of the student body, establishes aspects about their organization and equates them to university organizations.

After the debate, the Minister of Education, Vocational Training and Sports, Pilar Alegría, said that “a bobbin lace was done, a work of goldsmithing, of craftsmanship where many pieces had to be put together, but that it was worth it, because this law will improve current teachings and bring them up to the demands of the 21st century.”

“There is something that all of you have raised on this platform and that the educational community has been asking us for a long time: agreements, that we agree, that we agree on improvements for education”; “With this law we have shown that it is possible,” Alegría stressed, in whose opinion it is a “law of everyone and for everyone.”

It has committed that the “long road ahead” in terms of its regulatory development for the organization of teaching, teaching bodies or educational centers will be done with “the same climate of dialogue and consensus.”

He ended his speech with a final reflection: “There is a paradox that the artistic world and those who work in it are very loved by society, but real and material recognition has not always been sufficient and fair, we hope that with this law we can repair at least in part this insufficient recognition.”

During the debate on the Senate amendments, Sumar deputy Jorge Pueyo highlighted that it is the first law that “Parliament approves in this legislature, where there is only mud, thanks to social dialogue and the fact that the investiture partners have been taken care of.” ”.

The regulation, which will affect some 140,000 artistic education students and more than 14,000 teachers, “dignifies” students and teachers, supports the entire sector and protects professionals with mobility and international approval, he stressed.

In the opposite direction, José Ramírez del Río (Vox) has pointed out that the passage of the law by the Senate “has greatly ironed out the text, but it still has not overcome its original defects. The Government’s way of legislating is characterized by the lack of technical criteria, lack of reflection and excessive haste to avoid the mandatory reports that they do not request to carry out their nonsense.”

According to the ‘popular’ Óscar Clavell, the initial text of the Congress came out with a “large margin of improvement that has been achieved during its processing in the Senate.”

After pointing out that the popular party committed to “not mix politics in a law so demanded by the sector”, Clavell has criticized the haste with which the Government has wanted to process it and that it has incorporated amendments that have nothing to do with the law itself. project.

He was thus referring to the introduction of modifications to the Organic Law of the University System and the Vocational Training Law. In the first case to make the application calendar more flexible, essentially labor contracting issues, in the second to prevent vocational training students from paying for internships in companies.

The majority of nationalist groups have defined the rule as necessary and responds to a long-standing demand from the sector, although they have complained about respect for regional powers.

In the words of ERC deputy Francesc Álvaro, this “important law may not make big headlines but it will affect the lives of young people and new generations; Today we are doing what the legislature should do, influencing people’s lives.”