In a world where time is a valuable resource, microlearning emerges as a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. It is an educational approach that is based on short, specific lessons, designed to deliver knowledge quickly and effectively.

Imagine being able to learn a new skill or concept in just a few minutes a day. With microlearning it is possible. It is no longer necessary to dedicate long hours to traditional education. Instead, we can take advantage of those small moments of free time to absorb useful and relevant information.

According to the report What’s the deal with microlearning? This learning modality is considered relatively new, but interest in the method increases along with the evolution of the world and technology. It is a form of teaching and training that provides small fragments of information that take just a few minutes to learn, such as videos, podcasts, multiple choice, questions and downloadable materials.

According to the research, most studies highlight the Covid-19 pandemic as a trigger to start using and studying the microlearning format. It arose because most people saw themselves as having to quickly find alternatives to teacher-led classes.

Microlearning was one of several formats and methods used since Covid-19. Therefore, the pandemic was and continues to be seen as a springboard that managed to challenge traditional formats of learning methods.

One of the most notable advantages of this methodology is its flexibility. You can access lessons from anywhere and at any time, using your smartphone, computer or tablet. This means you can fit your learning into your busy schedule, without compromising quality or effectiveness.

Engagement, motivation and low cognitive load were also mentioned as some of the advantages compared to other learning methods. Being able to absorb new topics without getting tired is believed to go a long way to increasing engagement and motivation for learning.

The report mentions that studying during free time is not uncommon.  Today there are many examples of education centers offering part-time and distance learning to help people combine their learning with work, study and leisure. 

Therefore, studying and learning during our free time often go hand in hand with microlearning. This is because studies have shown that learning outside of school and work should take place during short moments in our day, which are not yet filled with social activities; such as shopping, housework, entertainment or, for example, childcare. And that learning, if designed properly, can contribute significantly.

If you are looking to improve your skills, acquire new knowledge or stay up to date in your field, microlearning is the perfect solution for you. For this reason, we offer you various course options that may be of interest to you and that you will find at Emagister.