May 15, San Isidro and Madrid is a party. Isidro, born in the Muslim Mayrit at the beginning of the year 1000, and canonized 600 years later, was a mestizo, Mozarabic man from Madrid, precursor of the mosaic of races, creeds, languages ​​and colors that is Madrid today. That Madrid that a Mexican, Agustín Lara, sang about; a man from La Rioja, Pepe Blanco, and he continues singing, his voice hoarse, Joaquín Sabina from Jaen, who got off in Atocha and stayed in Madrid.

And San Isidro, farmer and diviner (in times like these, such a faculty of discovering water would be worth a canonization) gives its name to the most important bullfighting fair on the planet of bulls, due to its duration and relevance.

The staff (chulapos and chulapas included) came to the bulls, not those from Carabanchel but from Las Ventas, filling stands, stands and volleys at the appointment with the Quinta de Feria and a poster with bulls from El Parralejo for Miguel Ángel Perera, Paco Ureña and Alejandro Fermín, which confirmed an alternative and, therefore, opened a place.

Alejandro Fermín from Extremadura is another example of persistence in search of a dream. Ten years have passed since his debut as a bullfighter with horses, precisely in Las Ventas and two of his alternative and in them few contracts. For him, as for many in a similar situation, advertising in the Veneto arena means everything or almost nothing.

Sculptor, first of the afternoon, did not allow Fermín to chisel brilliant sets of cape, nor did he show any glimpses of bravery as he passed through the picador. Arriving at the last third, the bull took the muleta by the right piton with a certain nobility and humiliation and Fermín carried it with temperance and length, also when he changed hands. He regrets that he was fading away and that he did not take the necessary flight. With the sword, bad.

A winner at the recent April Fair in Seville with the bulls of the same currency today in Las Ventas, Miguel Ángel Perera played well with his arms in verónicas with his feet together in the receipt of the first of his lot, who passed the process without pain or glory of the chopper.

First series in the round very temperate, the next not so much and I changed hands to bullfight naturally with good sound and long strokes but the one from El Parralejo lacked what has been called transmission. A warning sounded before going in to kill, which did not bother Perera who continued bullfighting as if nothing had happened. When he took the sword and went after her, he fell down.

Nothing notable in the first thirds of the third, which corresponded to Paco Ureña, and who did not seem to have enough strength. Helped from above as an opening for the task and two beautiful muletazos from below. After a first series of right hands, a try of a natural and bull to the ground. From then on there was no other option but to shorten it and that’s what the Murcian right-hander did.

The fourth one sported a stunning antler and attacked Perera’s cape as if out of obligation, damaging the veronicas of La Puebla del Prior and also the chicuelinas of the quite, in a third of rods in which he barely received any punishment, despite entering the horse three times , and showed meekness.

After a good third of banderillas from his group, Perera went to the media for the toast and from there, on his knees, he called the bull to pass it over the back and thus connect the right blows.

He also did it standing up, very tempered and firm. The natives had command in the square and there was a very long chest pass, as long as the task and, as in his first shift, a presidential message arrived before he took the steel, which he handled without success, to the delight of those who spent the entire time. the task with protests that did not seem acceptable.

The fifth was a gallant who, as happened with the previous ones, left Ureña in the cold with the cape. He bent down like a bullfighter at the beginning of the continuous work with series of right and natural blows in which the bull passed by. Ureña tried with commendable decision but little brilliance given the performance of the one from El Parralejo. In order not to change the sign of the afternoon, the thrust went to the bottom.

The sixth, Manager by name, showed few good omens in the first thirds. Alejandro Fermín tried to channel the attacks of that bull-shaped “freight train” but the effort was in vain and his hopes were dashed. With the sword, well that’s it.

Thus ended a dull afternoon, also in terms of weather.