ENTI-UB is a center attached to the University of Barcelona that guarantees the academic rigor of its official university degrees. It offers university degrees and advanced training cycles in the field of video game training, but also in the growing sector of cybersecurity.

As a study center, the focus is mainly on the professionalization of students, with the aim of knowing how the world of work works so that from the beginning they can be entrepreneurs. The philosophy of the school, learning-by-doing, fits very well with a teaching staff made up of active professionals who make ENTI-UB studies have a very important link with the needs and trends of the sector.

The Degree in Design and Development for Videogames and Applied Games trains students from the basics of game creation and design, to AI and algorithms that will give games life, going through commercial aspects, business creation and player psychology that make this degree one of the most complete. It is an engineering that shapes excellent programmers in any area, but with a clear specialization in the electronic entertainment product.

This training, together with internships in the best companies in the sector, makes programming graduates from the ENTI-UB attractive candidates for any company in the ICT sector.

The Degree in Design, Animation and Digital Art for Videogames and Applied Games explores all aspects of the creation and art direction of a digital product, as well as audiovisual narrative elements, design, concept art, illustration, animation, visual effects and 3D modeling, turning graduates into artists capable of participating not only in video games, but also in animation, cinema or advertising. Not surprisingly, the ENTI-UB is part of the Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia, which puts the center in direct contact with dozens of companies in the audiovisual sector.

The DAM-VIOD, the CFGS in Design of Multiplatform Applications with a profile in Videogames and Digital Leisure, focuses on efficiently training students so that in two years they are able to integrate into the workflow of a company in the information sector. video games (and others where a good programmer is required), but at the same time that he has the knowledge to create his own products and undertake, since small start-ups are the first step for many to put their first game on the market.

The CFGS in 3D Animation, Games and Interactive Environments trains artists capable of creating art for video games, animation and 3D modeling, but they are also made to come out with the Technical Artist profile, with a plus of knowledge about the Unity and Unreal engines that allows them to be more autonomous and better integrate their art into videogames and other digital products, a feature highly desired by companies in the sector as it simplifies their work processes and allows these artists to fit better into a studio from the first minute.