It was the Minister of Culture saying that he was taking away the National Prize for Bullfighting and putting this one back in the spotlight, what would that one say. The occurrence of Urtasun, whose political profitability is doubtful, has served to make bullfighting – not bullfighting information – open news, be fodder for talk shows from all walks of life and make noise on social networks. All of this in the middle of the San Isidro Fair with successive sellouts at Las Ventas (this Friday another and those to come), which contradict one of the fallacious arguments of the person responsible for the nonsense: “It is a minority show.”

It happens that the politicians, who poison everything, have seen, as so many times, the opportunity to show off, whether for or against, and among those who are in favor, out of conviction or opportunism, they use the Las Ventas alley (usual celebrity catwalk) to bring the ember to his respective sardine, Today, but in the barrier, the turn was none other than Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who was there (although to him, as he admitted, the bulls were neither fu nor fa) with the sacred mission of “defending freedom.”

Surely Feijóo thought that the bulls announced were from the La Quinta ranch and that this one is from the Santa Coloma breed – a reference in the brave field – he brought it to his attention and perhaps he was familiar with one of the components of the shortlist, Miguel Ángel Perera, Emilio de Justo and Ginés Marín, three bullfighters with proven track records. What it was about was “being there”, like Ayuso or Page yesterday. Let him or the next one pass.

Miguel Ángel Perera returned to Las Ventas just 48 hours after his first appearance and he did so with a “here I am!”, going to the bullpen door to receive the first of the afternoon. A beautiful copy of La Quinta came out of it and the long change was clean.

The bull charged at the pace and gave Perera no option to show off with the cape, before punching each other with a certain firmness. Toast to the public and after searching for the most suitable terrain for the bull and for the wind, powerful series in the round, with command, temper and connection.

On the third occasion, the bull felt capable and tame, so he took it to the pigsty and near the fence. And there, the crutch in the left hand, there were naturals with excellent lines. A warning sounded – that this year in Las Ventas they arrive with Swiss precision – before going in to kill and two punctures and mistakes were the only blot on a flawless task. The final ovation knew how to recognize it.

Good bullfighting to Emilio de Justo’s Veronica in her first, who took the cape with dedication and greed that she also showed in her two encounters with the piquero, starting from afar. Among them, a tight chicuelinas skirt finished with a wrapped Veronica stocking. And Ginés Marín’s reply in his turn, also by Chicuelo. The Algabeño explained a lot in banderillas and received a great ovation.

De Justo also gave the respectable a task that began to take flight in the second series of right hands, adjustment and low hand but the next the bull began to stop and did not rise when he tried it naturally. He went in to kill, but the sword fell, which did not prevent him from receiving an ovation that rewarded the overall nature of what he had done.

Ginés Marín also went to porta gayola in the first of his batch, which he then fought cleanly against Verónica and Perera was well removed by low-handed Chicuelinas, in their turn reaching a third of rods. The muleta task did not go beyond good intentions, conditioned by a bull that charged without any dedication.

Verónicas with Perera’s feet together as a greeting to the fourth, who received little punishment in rods. Perera toasted Feijóo, went to the media and began to fight in circles, but not without suffering a hug in the second series and another in the next. The bullfighter from Extremadura did not blink an eye in the face of a bull that did not give anything away and, having changed the hand muleta, each attack, each muleta blow, was a bet (the holy Colomeña caste is what he has) and again with his right he continued in it.

A task of great merit and a thrust defective in its placement, but executed with the same truth as he had fought. And that placing of the sword stopped the request for a trophy but not the return to the ring of a bullfighter who has completed twenty years of alternative in full.

On his knees and with a long change in the third, Emilio de Justo greeted the fifth, with irreproachable trickery like the entire bullfight, and then he opted for an effective fight on his legs to leave the bull in the middle while the picadors took their corresponding places in the arena He mentioned the picador to the one from La Quinta and this one as if nothing had happened, until he took off with a good gallop in a first rod in which the punishment was measured, which was already in full force in the second match.

Once again Emilio de Justo gave a toast to the public and began the task with bullfighting from below. Important bull, De Justo leading the attacks with his low hand… and suddenly the bull that does it for him, turning him over in a very ugly way and then doing it for him already in the arena.

Growing in his honor, Emilio de Justo bullfighted naturally with supreme truth and the square cheered loudly with each blow of the muleta and stood up. Even more so in a beautiful fanning to the middles finished off with an excellent trench and a tremendous lunge, slightly lying down.

The bull lay down to get back up, he was small, and required the use of the descabello, which was not the first time. Despite everything, the magnitude of the work was such that handkerchiefs emerged while, between cheers, the mules dragged Periquito, a brave bull, who had before him a thorough bullfighter, who gave a clamorous turn to the ring.

Still moved by the public by the emotions experienced in the previous fight, the sixth came out, very large (627 kg.), but with ugly workmanship, which detracted from the entire bullfight. Also his behavior in the first thirds. He took the Ginés Marín crutch and the right hands tried to channel decomposed attacks, not always successfully. Naturally he did succeed at some point, but the bull never gave up. Ginés insisted and the best moments came at the end. The sword stood guard over him, the people got angry and Ginés had to enter twice more.

Afternoon of bullfighting and bullfighters with what you have to have. Which is not little.