A resident of Argamasilla de Alba (Ciudad Real) has returned a lost wallet with 860 euros to the Local Police, who managed to locate its rightful owner and return it to him. An exemplary and unusual behavior is recalled by the town council of this Castilian-La Mancha town.

José, a 57-year-old neighbor who was walking along La Solana Street, found the wallet lying on the ground. The surprise was even greater when this person opened it and realized its contents: nearly a thousand euros in fifty bills.

“I thought it was a lie, I even kicked him,” he explains in statements to SER Alcázar. He did not hesitate to return it, although his family is not “economically very solvent”: “I thought it would be one person’s daily wage, and that his family would have it.” And he emphasizes: “My conscience is worth more than that money.”

He immediately went to the Local Police Headquarters where he deposited the wallet. The agents carried out the necessary steps to locate its owner, who at the time of being informed of the events had not yet realized that he had been lost, as explained by the council in a statement.

A few months ago, José also lost his wallet, but he did not have the same luck: “It did not appear. It was a chore: renewal of identification and driving license, canceled credit cards…”.

The gesture is not minor, the authorities remember. “The Local Police of Argamasilla de Alba would like to thank and value the exemplary citizen conduct of this neighbor,” they point out in their letter.

The agents assure that it is not a frequent behavior, even less so when the objects are of high value. They assure that their action is still an example of responsibility and integrity: “Being aware of what the loss of said amount of money could mean for its owner, he did not hesitate to hand it over to the authorities.”