Temperatures will tend to drop this Sunday, the maximums sharply in the eastern third and the Balearic Islands and the minimums in the southeast and northern half, although the maximums will increase in the Canary Islands, where there will be the possibility of locally strong showers, according to the forecast the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet). The arrival of a mass of cold air of polar maritime origin to the peninsula on Monday will cause a significant change in weather and will lead to widespread rainfall and a sharp drop in temperatures.

In this way, this Sunday a DANA (isolated depression at high levels) is expected to move from the surroundings of the Canary Islands towards the northeast, approaching the south of the peninsula and in the archipelago it will begin with cloudy skies and showers occasionally accompanied by storms, which could be locally strong in those of greater relief, tending to decrease and remit. In the southern half of the peninsula and in the Balearic Islands, intervals of medium and high clouds are expected, without ruling out isolated showers.

In the last hours of this Sunday, cloudiness will increase in the extreme south, with the probability of precipitation and storms, more likely in the area of ​​the Strait and Sierra Nevada. Cloudy intervals are expected in the extreme north, with some showers in the east of Catalonia, tending to clear.

There will likely be haze in the southern half of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, as well as morning mists and fog banks in the mountains of the extreme north and around Cabo de la Nao.

Weak frosts are expected in the mountain systems of the extreme north and winds will blow from the north and east in the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, although with the wind on the Ebro subsiding, and with the east moving to the west in the Strait and Alborán. There will be probable intervals of strong wind in the Strait, Alborán, Empordà and the coasts of Galicia and the southeast, as well as north and northwest winds in the Canary Islands.

Regarding alerts, Andalusia has an orange alert for waves and a yellow alert for wind, while Galicia, Murcia and Melilla only have a yellow warning for waves.

The arrival on the peninsula on Monday of a mass of cold air of polar maritime origin will cause a significant change in weather and will lead to widespread rainfall and a sharp drop in temperatures, of up to ten degrees, reaching values ​​lower than normal for The time of year. According to Aemet, snowfall is also expected in mountainous systems and surrounding areas.

The DANA that is affecting the Canary Islands these days will begin to move towards the peninsula on Sunday, the meteorology agency explains in its latest information note.

Already at the end of this day, the first effects are expected in the southern third of the peninsula, in the form of showers locally accompanied by storms. On Monday, these will be extended to the rest of the southern half and eastern half of the peninsula as well as the Balearic Islands.

On Monday, the cold air mass will also break through the northwest of the peninsula, causing the snow level to plummet to 600-1,000 meters in the northwest quadrant on this day. The next day the fall in elevation will extend to the rest of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands.

Temperatures will suffer a notable general decrease, with the exception of the Cantabrian area and the upper Ebro. In the case of the maximums, the decrease could be locally extraordinary in some areas of the southern half of the peninsula, dropping on Monday 10 degrees or more compared to Sunday . The wind will tend to swing to the west, with probable strong or very strong gusts in the Strait, Alborán and the western coast of Galicia.

During the day on Tuesday, instability will continue in much of the country, with widespread, less intense and probable rainfall in the Mediterranean area.

The most significant thing about this day will be the possible snowfall at low levels, generally between 700-1,000 meters and, with a certain degree of uncertainty, it could drop to 600-700 meters during the early morning in areas of the northern and inland plateau of Galicia. . The largest accumulations during this day are expected in the Pyrenean area, where they could exceed 10 centimeters.

Temperatures will continue to drop across the board, except in the Mediterranean area, with values ​​lower than normal for the time. The west wind will intensify with strong gusts, which will be very strong in the Alboran Sea and on the coasts of Galicia.

On Wednesday, the most likely scenario contemplates the arrival of a warmer air mass, associated with southwesterly winds. That day, a general rise in temperatures is expected, which would also continue on Thursday, and could be locally notable.

The snow level would also rise significantly, with snowfall being restricted to mountain areas.