421 specimens rescued in an operation against animal trafficking

The Civil Guard has investigated 48 people in an operation against the illicit trafficking of animals and wild species in which 421 protected specimens and 107 cubic meters of teak wood from Myanmar (Burma) – the import of which is prohibited in the EU—all valued at more than one and a half million euros.

The operation has been carried out by the Nature Protection Service (SEPRONA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Ecological Transition and more than a thousand inspection and control actions have been carried out in customs facilities, airports, ports, zoos, and antique stores. and taxidermy establishments.

In these actions, 178 infractions have been detected, and a large number of them are related to the irregular possession and commercialization of wildlife, reports the General Directorate of the Civil Guard.

The majority of violations are due to the absence of permits, marking and other obligations and more than 40 are due to non-compliance with the European Union (EU) timber regulation.

Among the most relevant actions is the seizure of 48 tons of heather in Jimena de la Frontera (Cádiz) distributed in four warehouses.

Apart from the fact that this species is protected by Andalusian regulations, the strains had been illegally extracted from the natural environment in order to be exported to Italy for the manufacture of smoking pipes and decorative elements.

Additionally, in Toledo, agents have investigated four people related to two zoological centers for mammals, birds and reptiles that had 67 specimens for sale, including a snowy owl, two blue-bearded macaws and large cats such as three serval specimens and others. so many caracal.

Likewise, in Malaga three people were investigated for an alleged crime against fauna for the illegal possession and breeding of protected species. One of those investigated had in his possession ten specimens of Moorish tortoise valued at 50,000 euros and a lion’s head valued at 2,000 euros without having any documentation to support his possession. The other two investigated had put a green turtle shell and an ocelot skin for sale on the Internet.

The Civil Guard has had the collaboration of the general subdirectorates of Forests and Biodiversity of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, as well as the support of Interpol and the World Customs Organization to carry out joint inspections that have resulted in the detection of infractions. penalties and arrests in different parts of Spain.

This operation is part of the European LIFE SATEC project, a strategic approach to combat environmental crimes, as well as the actions contained in Europol’s EMPACT project against environmental crimes focused on the protection of wildlife and the forest masses.

As a result of these collaborations, agents from the Central Environmental Operational Unit of SEPRONA have been present at important reptile fairs accompanied by police representatives from other European countries.

Furthermore, during the phase intended for the inspection of protected woods they had the collaboration of an agent from the Judicial Police of Costa Rica, who participated in some of the inspections in the provinces of Valencia and Barcelona.

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