In a viral TikTok video, an Italian user under the name @simonacavallo has captured the attention of thousands of viewers by showing a funny conversation about the true authenticity of Italian pizza. In the video, a Spaniard, named Gonzalo, suggests celebrating an event with a “pizza carbonara a forno di pietra.” 

This proposal provokes an immediate correction from the Italian: “Per favore Gonzalo, pizza carbonara does not exist.” “You could say everything about pizza with salami, pizza with this and such, but there is no god for pizza carbonara,” he adds. This answer has resonated with many users, especially those passionate about the authenticity of Italian cuisine.

The description of the video is the following: “tell me that you are Italian without telling me that you are Italian, I’ll start.” The video is full of comments from many people defending pizza carbonara, even though it is not an Italian creation. 

One user commented proudly: “Did we invent pizza carbonara? Point for us”, while another simply expressed his love for this controversial culinary creation: “How delicious the pizza carbonara????”.

Without a doubt, cases like these demonstrate that social networks can be a space for cultural exchange and education. With more than 120,000 likes, this interaction between a Spaniard and an Italian woman has captured the interest of thousands of people.