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These are the subjects of the Higher Degree in Dental Prosthetics

Vocational Training is gaining more and more prominence among people looking for a job opportunity. In this sense, the dental sector is one of...

A fire in the Llíria hospital forces 18 patients to be relocated to other...

Eighteen patients from the Llíria hospital (Valencia), affected this Sunday by a fire that broke out in the psychiatric unit and forced the evacuation...

The new New Zealand Government intends to reverse an ambitious anti-smoking law

The new Executive of New Zealand, who was sworn in this Monday, announced that it will eliminate the anti-smoking law, approved in 2022 and...

Ayuso denounces the Government before the Supreme Court for "sieging" Madrid with the Tajo...

The Government of Isabel Díaz Ayuso has denounced the Tajo Hydrographic Plan before the Supreme Court, which aims to "siege" the Community of Madrid...

Homes that are second chances

Abdelmajid, a 24-year-old Moroccan young man, who arrived in Barcelona three years ago hiding under a truck, has no other desire than to train...

The 7 news you need to know this Monday, November 27, morning

Hello good morning!Today the Regional Forum of the Union for the Mediterranean meets in Barcelona, ​​the institution designed to bring Israel, Europe and the...

The Mataró City Council receives the Mataró EU for the achievements achieved in 2023

The Mataró City Council has received various members of the UE Mataró to pay tribute to the feats achieved by the club in 2023....

A leopard abandoned in Ukraine in a cage is recovered in Alicante

Animals in captivity also suffer the ravages of war, as demonstrated by the condition in which a leopard about four years old has arrived...

Clothing to combat childhood cancer

The Market Solidario, the initiative promoted by Blanca's family (a girl who was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor when she was one and...

The Police arrest a fugitive from Hungarian justice while flying from Alicante to London

The National Police have arrested at the Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández Airport a man claimed by the judicial authorities of Hungary, for having committed crimes...

The Elna Maternity Hospital receives a donation that will allow it to reopen the...

The insurance company AXA, together with the Heritage Foundation, has granted a donation of 100,000 euros to the Elna Maternity Hospital. This contribution will...

The company that hires people with Down syndrome for their creativity

The report that you are about to read is included in the section (called Todos Solidarios) that this newspaper publishes every Sunday. But the...

A huge set of spots on the Sun points towards Earth and threatens solar...

On November 18, and following the rotation of the Sun, a large group of spots began to appear on the northeastern limb of its...

Feminism demonstrates separately on the day against sexist violence

Three years after the split between the historically heterogeneous feminist movement materialized, the wounds remain open. And the appointment of a new Minister of...

What is scurvy? | Symptoms, causes and treatment

Scurvy is an avitaminosis, a vitamin deficiency, in this case vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in the diet. When scurvy occurs, which is a disease...

Urine infection? Get rid of doubts without leaving home

Raise your hand if you have not stopped, on some occasion, going to the doctor due to lack of time. If you are one...

What is intestinal obstruction? | Symptoms, causes and how to treat the disease

Intestinal obstruction, intestinal occlusion, intestinal pseudo-obstruction, intestinal volvulus or intestinal ileus is a total or partial blockage of intestinal transit which prevents feces, gases...

What is lichen planus? | Symptoms, causes and how to treat the disease

Lichen planus is a disease that causes rashes and inflammations on the skin, scalp, nails and mucous membranes of the body. Lichen planus is...

New mobility in Valencia: two lanes for cars on Colón Street and changes to...

The Valencia City Council has given the definitive green light to the traffic remodeling on the central Colón street in València that generated so...

Complaints of gender violence are almost twice as high in lower-income municipalities

Municipalities with lower incomes have registered rates of complaints of gender violence that are almost twice as high as localities with higher average incomes....

The Pere Tarrés Foundation launches a Christmas campaign to serve 6,000 children in vulnerable...

The Pere Tarrés Foundation has launched the 'Christmas solidarity' campaign to promote social and educational programs that benefit the 6,000 children in vulnerable situations...

Taxi driver who ran over man in Chamberí arrested after testing positive for cocaine

The Municipal Police of Madrid have arrested the taxi driver who tested positive for cocaine after running over a 45-year-old man who was doing...

The epidemiologist Quique Bassat, new director general of ISGlobal

The pediatrician and epidemiologist Quique Bassat (Barcelona, ​​1974) has been appointed general director of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) replacing Antoni Plasència,...

A total of 235 deaths from fires or explosions last year in Spain, a...

A total of 235 people lost their lives in a fire or explosion last year, the highest number since 2010, the year of the...

A crane rescues a worker in extremis from a burning building in the United...

A worker working on a tower under construction in Reading (United Kingdom) was rescued on Thursday by the quick and agile actions of a...

Addiction to social networks plagues young people: Should infinite scrolling be prohibited?

TikTok, Instagram, YouTube... the number of social networks that offer addictive and tempting designs, especially for the youngest, is currently one of the reasons...

The 7 news you need to know this Friday morning, November 24

Hello good morning!Today, at last, it is expected that there will be a truce in Gaza, although everything can change at any moment. Q*,...

A woman appears dead behind a container in an industrial estate in O Porriño

The Civil Guard investigates the appearance of the body of a woman, with signs of violence, hidden behind a container, near the ITV facilities...

The number of migrants who died in Mediterranean waters already exceeds the figures for...

At least 2,480 migrants have died or disappeared in Mediterranean waters so far this year, a figure that already exceeds that of all of...

Minimum services on commuter trains in Madrid: 75% at rush hour and 50% the...

The minimum services established by the Renfe strike on November 24 and 30 and December 1, 4 and 5 will be 75% of Cercanías...