The Civil Guard of Binéfar (Huesca) has arrested two workers from a meat company in the Litera region (Huesca) for the theft of beef valued at more than 40,000 euros that they later sold to individuals in Catalonia, as far as the They were transported in private vehicles without any sanitary measures.

The alleged perpetrators, aged 52 and 54 and residents of Barbastro and Monzón, stole beef once a week and put it in the delivery van without maintaining the corresponding cold chain, transporting it to a meeting point they arranged. Later, without any type of sanitary measure, they took it in their private vehicles to different Catalan provinces to sell it to individuals.

On May 17, off-duty Benemérita agents caught them “in franganti” at kilometer 121 of the N-240 highway unloading meat from the company’s delivery truck into the private vehicle of one of them. At the scene, the agents identified them and seized 60 kilograms of product valued at 840 euros and which had lost the cold chain.

After gathering more information, the agents calculate that the total amount stolen during the year they were carrying out this activity amounts to about 2,900 kilograms of meat, with an approximate value of 41,000 euros.

The Binéfar Civil Guard post instructed the proceedings, which were delivered to the Investigative Court number 1 of Monzón, leaving the detainees released with the obligation to appear before the judicial authority when required.