What assessment do you make of these years of operation of the IB?

C.E.: The balance is positive. We began to teach it in 2016, but before that there were two years of intense preparation and training work to be able to do it. Today we can say that seven classes have already passed through our classrooms and that around 300 students have completed the International Baccalaureate.

How do you approach this program?

A.B.: This is a program suitable for students who want to learn, are proactive, curious and want to investigate and self-manage. Consider that the IB assessment process is different from that of the traditional high school; Around 80% of the grade depends on the exam that is taken at the end of the second year, so in the first year we work to adopt an active way of working, which is very close to what the students will later encounter when they reach University. Thanks to this, alumni tell us that it has been easier for them to take the step to higher education.

C.E.:  The IBI has fewer subjects than the national baccalaureate and is configured so that the student takes the core subjects and chooses a series of electives that allow them to define their tailor-made academic itinerary.

Is the Baccalaureate taught in English?

C.E.: Many people have that idea, but it is not like that. Although there are some subjects that are taught in English, the studies are taken in the official languages ​​of each country. For us, languages ​​are a tool, not an end in themselves, so we can work on content in English without a problem even if the classes are in Catalan or Spanish.

What advantages does the IB offer?

A.B.: It is an internationally recognized program that simplifies access to university studies in many countries. Although a priori one may believe that it is designed to go to study abroad (between 20 and 25% of students do so), many of the students continue their studies here and value that the IB methodology helps them a lot.

C.E.: There is another aspect: IB students who pass the Program do not have to take the general university entrance tests. They will only have to select specific subjects if the studies they wish to pursue have a higher cut-off mark. Our experience reveals that those who have done it have overcome them without problems.

Why study the IB at Salesians Sarrià?

A.B.: We are a school specialized in post-compulsory studies. We offer total support to students that stimulates their self-esteem and their learning, something that has meant that we have no dropouts among students. If we talk about results, the average pass rate is between 90-100% when at the international level it is 10 points below. Due to our characteristics and the high number of students who take our BI each year, we offer a unique offer aimed at young people.