It was “a mousetrap.” This is how the agents of the homicide group described the death trap that the Gambian Bobo Keita, 43, laid on the landing of a building in the Aragonese capital for his ex-brother-in-law Alie Sadibeh, 41, whom he killed with 14 stab wounds. After being found guilty of murder with the aggravating circumstance of kinship in December by a popular jury, the Provincial Court of Zaragoza sentenced him this Friday to 23 years in prison.

During the process, the accused tried to convince the jury members that the person responsible for the crime was a friend of the stabbed person, with whom he had coincidentally met that fateful June 22, 2022 at the door of his house. However, the jurors had no doubt that it was the defendant who traveled that day from Calella (Barcelona) to Zaragoza with the “firm determination” to set a trap for his wife’s brother, whom he held responsible for their separation. .

As the ruling recalls, the nine members of the popular court unanimously consider it proven that the accused wanted to kill Alie. In fact, he himself had let the victim know through several previous phone calls in which he threatened to end his life “if he did not return his family.” The threatened person reported these events to the National Police in May 2022, for which Keita was convicted, but even with that he did not leave his plan aside.

According to the ruling, on the day of the events he accessed the entrance to the property where his brother-in-law lived and, with the intention of causing his death, “carrying a knife bought for the occasion,” he remained hidden in a waiting attitude until his arrival.

“When he was going down the stairs completely unconcerned (he had met a friend), the accused, suddenly and surprisingly, without Alie Sidibeh having the opportunity to defend himself, stabbed him up to fourteen times, which ended his life,” adds the failed.

The murderer fled, meeting at the door of the building with the friend with whom Alie had met, who could see how Keita was still holding the murder weapon in his right hand. The perpetrator of the crime later disposed of both the knife and the bloody djellaba that he was wearing by throwing them under several vehicles parked near a nearby bar where he took refuge to wash.

Finally, he left the Aragonese capital for Alcarrás (Lleida), where he obtained the identity card that a friend lent him and tried to leave Spain from Almería. He did not succeed, since he was arrested by the National Police on June 25 at the hostel where he was staying.

In addition to the 23 years in prison, to which must be added another ten months for a continuous crime of falsification due to the use of an authentic document by someone who is not legitimate, the magistrate sentenced the murderer to pay compensation of 320,000 euros to the family. of the deceased. She also prohibits him from approaching or communicating with his widow and her two children for a period of ten years, counting after he completes his sentence.

What the jury did not consider proven is that the 14 stab wounds were intended to deliberately increase his suffering. For this reason, when handing down the sentence and setting the penalty, the judge did not apply the aggravating factor of cruelty.