Business Insider magazine has uncovered the double game of billionaire Elon Musk in the field of intelligence. The owner of X, formerly Twitter, was one of the technology leaders who expressed concerns about the uncontrolled advance of artificial intelligence, but at the same time he was secretly promoting an innovative AI initiative.

While Musk’s public statements urged caution in AI development, behind the scenes the South African-born tycoon was diligently working on a project known as “xAI,” with the goal of creating a revolutionary AI system capable of unraveling the mysteries of the universe.

Business Insider has released a report that delves into the covert activities of Elon Musk’s clandestine AI project. The revelation has rocked the tech community, sparking debates about transparency, ethics and the dynamic role of influential figures in shaping the AI ​​landscape.

While Musk was publicly calling for a pause in ambitious AI experiments, he was paradoxically laying the groundwork for his own AI project. The report indicates that while more than 1,000 individuals, including AI experts, backed a 6-month hiatus on AI development, Musk was quietly advancing his project. Working quietly on the project, Musk harnessed the computing power of Twitter and drew on its network to assemble a team of top-tier AI talent.

In a calculated move, Musk strategically recruited talented individuals from rival companies, a strategy reminiscent of his previous ventures. Drawing on his connections from OpenAI, a project he co-founded before resigning from its board of directors in 2018, Musk has managed to assemble a group of brilliant minds.

Sources reveal that Musk registered the project under the name “xAI” around the same time that he penned an open letter advocating for AI restraint. This strategic move hid his true intentions, as attention was diverted from his covert activities. As the letter circulated, rumors surfaced that Musk was reaching out to AI researchers, expressing interest in creating a new lab and seeking investors from Tesla and SpaceX to further his AI ambition.

The veil of secrecy surrounding Musk’s project was lifted in July with xAI’s official announcement. Promising to “understand the true nature of the universe,” the initiative aims to create an AI system that pushes the boundaries of human understanding. Described as an “ultimate AI in search of the truth”, xAI aspires to unlock the mysteries of the universe and provide revolutionary insights into existential questions.

The revelation of Musk’s covert activities in the realm of AI has sparked intense debates within the tech community and beyond. Critics argue that his covert approach contradicts his public advocacy of responsible AI development, while supporters say his track record of innovation justifies his actions. Ethical concerns have also been raised, questioning the role of influential figures in shaping the AI ​​landscape without transparent and collaborative efforts.