Spain is preparing to say goodbye to the interlude of heat that has characterized the last days of the astronomical winter. According to the forecasts of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), there will be a moderate change in meteorological conditions, putting an end to an unusually warm period that has affected 18 provinces with temperatures close to 25 degrees.

Although this respite is about to come to an end, thermometers will not experience an immediate drop, but will remain elevated throughout the weekend thanks to the entry of a mass of warm air from the south.

This Saturday, maximum temperatures will reach 28 degrees in locations such as Murcia and Tenerife, and in many parts of the country they will exceed 20 degrees. On Sunday, the heat will intensify further, with forecasts of up to 30 degrees in Murcia and close to that figure in different areas of Andalusia, including Seville and Granada, as well as in the Canary Islands. However, this heat wave will not affect some northern provinces, where temperatures will not exceed 20 degrees.

In addition to the high temperatures, the northwest of the peninsula will register rainfall on Saturday and Sunday, while the rest of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands will enjoy slightly cloudy skies, except for high clouds that will increase throughout the day. In the Canary Islands, slightly cloudy or clear skies are expected, although the presence of fog in the east of the archipelago is not ruled out.

Maximum temperatures will experience a general rise, except in the northwest of the peninsula, the Levant and the Balearic Islands, where they will remain stable. This rise will be especially notable in the east of the Canary Islands. The minimum temperatures, for their part, will increase in the mountainous areas of the Canary Islands, while the frosts will be restricted mainly to the Pyrenees and, locally, to other mountains in the north.

The Aemet has also announced that, although Monday will continue to be warm, a drop in temperatures will begin on Tuesday, with the withdrawal of the warm air mass. This change will mean the transition to cooler conditions, although the process will be gradual.