The summer weather that has accompanied us in recent days is coming to an end. Starting this Tuesday, a “sharp drop in temperatures” is expected throughout the country. In areas of the northern half the drop will be up to 8 or 10 degrees compared to Monday’s temperatures, according to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

The exception will once again be on the shores of the Mediterranean, where the maximums will tend to rise. Thus, the thermometer will read 33 degrees in Murcia, 31 in Alicante or 27 in Almería. On the other hand, in Galicia, the Cantabrian Sea, the Pyrenees, Castilla y León, it will not reach 20 degrees.

In addition, an Atlantic front will continue its journey through the Peninsula, affecting the northeast quadrant with overcast skies and precipitation, occasionally accompanied by storms, which could become strong or persistent in the Pyrenees and surrounding areas.

After its passage, instability is expected to persist in the northern half with abundant cloudiness, leaving showers in Galicia from the early hours, which will extend to other points in the northern third and eastern Iberia in the afternoon as a result of the diurnal evolution.

For this reason, Aemet has activated the yellow notice in four communities: Aragón, Valencian Community, Catalonia and Navarra. The alert is also activated for strong gusts of wind in Andalusia, Asturias, Cantabria and Galicia.

The thermal decrease will continue after Tuesday but in a “softer way,” says the agency’s spokesperson, Rubén del Campo. In areas of the western and central half, daytime temperatures will be between 5 and 10 degrees lower than usual, especially on Wednesday and Thursday.

On Wednesday, fresh air will arrive even in the Mediterranean where the temperature drop will be “notable.” Even so, Murcia will be around 30 degrees. On the contrary, cities like Ávila, León, Burgos, Lugo, Palencia, Segovia or Soria will barely reach 15 degrees.

On Thursday, the arrival of a new front will leave rain and showers, mainly in the northern third, although not ruled out in the rest of the northern half and around the central and Iberian system, with snow above about 1,500 meters in the mountains.

In fact, it will be the coolest day of the week, with daytime values ​​between 5 and 10 degrees below normal for the time, in large areas of the west and center of the country. In the Guadalquivir Valley and the west of the peninsula they will not exceed 22 degrees.

According to the Aemet forecast, starting on Friday a gentle but continuous thermal rise will begin, until temperatures gradually rise to values ​​typical of the season.