The cool atmosphere of these days will give way starting this Wednesday to an important thermal shift that, at the end of the week, will lead to a hot environment with maximum temperatures above 28-32 degrees in areas of the center, south and east of the country. , according to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet). 

For today, temperatures will still remain cool for the time of year in most of Spain, with daytime temperatures in the north and west of the peninsula will be between 3 and 5 degrees below the usual for these dates, details the agency spokesperson. Ruben del Campo. 

In fact, the maximums will tend to decrease in the northern third and the Balearic Islands, with increases predominating in the rest. The minimums will decrease in the northwest of the peninsula and will increase in the upper Ebro, without major changes in the rest. We will find important contrasts: maximums of 16 degrees in León or 30 in Murcia and Seville.

Furthermore, a situation of instability is expected to persist in the extreme north of the peninsula and the north of the Balearic Islands. In the east of Catalonia and the north of the Balearic Islands, showers accompanied by storms are expected in the early hours, with the possibility of being locally strong. 

In the extreme north of the peninsula, cloudy skies will predominate, with generally weak and dispersed rainfall at first, which will tend to intensify and become widespread in the afternoon, accompanied by storms in the Pyrenees, even locally strong in the north of Catalonia, the Aemet continues in its forecast.

Starting Thursday, a “progressive rise” in temperatures is expected. On Friday the thermal rise will extend to a good part of the territory and there will already be more than 25 degrees in the central hours of the day in the center of the peninsula, also in the south and in the Balearic Islands, while in the Guadiana Valley it will be around on Friday 30 degrees and in points of the southeast and the Guadalquivir 30-32 degrees.

Starting this weekend, high pressures will take hold in most of the country with temperatures that will continue to rise clearly, creating a hot environment that could continue into the first days of the following week, Aemet predicts.