The heat returns with the summer of San Martín, which will leave temperatures “extraordinarily warm for the season”, according to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet). In several provinces, it will exceed 25 degrees and could even touch 30.

“These temperatures will be so unusual for the time that, during the period between November 11 and 15, every day would break the average temperature record for peninsular Spain on those dates. That is, they would be a record for a warm day” , explains the agency on social networks.

For this Monday, the day will be marked by anticyclonic weather in most of the country with slightly cloudy or clear skies. Only in the northwest of the peninsula is an Atlantic front expected to leave cloudy or overcast skies, with precipitation in Galicia and the Cantabrian mountain range, spreading weakly and dispersed to surrounding areas.

In the rest of the Atlantic slope and in depressions in Catalonia, there will be abundant low morning cloudiness, as in Alborán, but the Aemet predicts that it will disappear throughout the day.

Temperatures will rise across the board. The minimum temperatures will increase in Andalusia and more markedly in the Canary Islands and the north and northwest of the peninsula. The maximums, which decrease slightly on the Mediterranean coasts and the northwest third of the peninsula, will increase in the rest of the country, more markedly in the interior of the southeast third and the Canary Islands.

The Aemet explains that veranillos are autumn periods with anticyclonic weather, a temperate environment and no rain. The first (San Miguel) was already “extraordinarily warm for the time” and the same seems to be going to happen with the summer of San Martín.

In the case of the latter, it does not appear every year, but when it does, it usually occurs around November 11, coinciding with the festival of Saint Martin. For this reason, between November 12 and 16, unusually high temperatures are expected in much of Spain, the agency continues.

During those days, it is not ruled out that the average temperature record will be broken. “It is possible that we will have the warmest San Martín summer since there are records. They will be temperatures more typical of mid-October,” concludes the Aemet.