According to data from the Waste Agency of Catalonia (ARC), during 2022, 5.96 million tons of construction and demolition waste were generated. A figure that could be extrapolated to the fact that each Catalan generates, annually, a little less than a ton of waste. About 750 kilos per person, which come from the field of construction and rehabilitation. Figures similar to those recorded at European level, where more than 2,500 million tons of waste are generated per year, a third of which corresponds to construction.

In Catalonia, the construction company sector, whether renovation, rehabilitation or demolition, is committing to improving environmental quality through adequate management of this waste. They are aware that in 2022, 3.85 million tons of construction waste were valued in Catalonia, which represents 64.5% of the total of this type of waste. Therefore, the remaining 2.12 million tons were destined for storage.

To guarantee and demonstrate its commitment to the environment and the correct management of waste, the Private Foundation for the Management of the Construction Sector in Catalonia, an entity formed by the official Chamber of Construction Contractors of Catalonia and the Guild of Construction Builders Works from Barcelona and Regions, promotes the Recons seal.

Recons is a voluntary certification of construction companies granted by this sectoral foundation with the aim of promoting among companies dedicated to the construction, renovation, maintenance and rehabilitation of housing the improvement of environmental quality and the proper management of waste in the environment they they operate. This seal is also a tool that gives visibility to companies that fulfill this commitment and that contributes to promoting the sustainable development of construction companies in Catalonia.

The launch of this seal coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic but, however, some companies in the housing construction, renovation, maintenance and rehabilitation sector in Catalonia have already adhered to this public accreditation. Above all because they want to be recognized in the market for their commitment to identifying and managing environmental risks, and incorporating recovery and circular economy actions into their usual business practices.

The seal has an external audit body responsible for validating all companies that wish to have and maintain the Seal and falls into the hands of the Applus Group.

Construction manages at least 50% of the natural resources extracted in the world. “Years ago we were based solely on economic profitability” – reflects Xavier Fernández, head of Administration at OBRALLAR 2000, a company from Manresa with the Recons certificate that carries out renovation, construction, rehabilitation and maintenance projects throughout Catalonia. “We now believe that by applying sustainable methods, we help conserve natural resources for future generations and minimize the environmental impact generated by the construction life cycle.”

Three quarters of the waste generated from construction and demolition is inert such as ceramics, concrete, stones, which can be reused again in the production cycle through a crushing and screening process. Those called non-special waste; Wood, metal, paper and cardboard, plaster, plastics, Styrofoam or electrical cables, among others, are recyclable materials and, once separated into fractions and processed, they can be reused as raw materials. Only a small fraction, toxic or more dangerous waste, must be treated by specialized managers.

Companies that have the Recons seal maintain the environmental commitment to properly manage resources. This can happen through the segregation of waste on the same job, which generates optimal management of raw materials, reusing materials, and minimizing the volume of waste, storing hazardous waste correctly and separately or guaranteeing traceability throughout the project. waste management process, from the producer to its final treatment.

“We have always opted for company policies that contribute to a positive impact on the environment: recycling, purchasing from local suppliers, protocols on site to avoid mixing waste…”, explains Montserrat Sánchez, manager of Mon Vertical, a leading company. in rehabilitation and maintenance of buildings in the province of Barcelona. For this reason, since 2020, they have had the Recons certification: “We wanted to give value to this initiative and offer our customers a guarantee of sustainable waste management.”

The Private Foundation for the Management of the Construction Sector in Catalonia has organized a Technical Conference on the Management of Construction Waste next Thursday, November 16 in Barcelona, ??together with the College of Environmentalologists of Catalonia and the Waste Agency of Catalonia. A day that will serve to highlight companies in the construction, rehabilitation and demolition sector, which are making a commitment to the circular economy, which represents a clear determination to minimize the consumption of resources, reduce waste and promote the reuse, recycling and regeneration of products and materials.

An economic model that entails a series of important benefits, both for companies and for society in general, in search of resource efficiency, but above all in the reduction of waste. It will also serve to inform about the initiatives of the Catalan construction sector in favor of the protection of natural and atmospheric environments, sustainable waste management, and make available to environmental professionals – some of whom are municipal Environment technicians. who manage public works and others work for engineering companies or companies linked to the Construction sector – the guarantees of good environmental execution that the Recons seal provides to those companies that are certified.