The former brain scientist Milena Penkowa give up to get the degree back, as the Academic Council took her in 2017.

a year ago, gave the Copenhagen city Court that the Academic Council had involved No doctorate.

She appealed then the ruling to the high court. The case should have been dealt with by The high Court on Friday, but canceled.

Milena Penkowa has decided to drop the matter, inform the lawyer Birte Rasmussen.

– an Appeal is raised, confirms Birte Rasmussen.

the Background for the decision is that Penkowa has applied for permission to the treasury to pay for the costs – the so-called free process.

But she has not been granted free legal aid, and therefore she, in consultation with his lawyer decided to abandon the case.

In 2016, before the title slipped out of No-hands, she was by the Eastern high Court found guilty of forgery. However, she was acquitted of punishment, because the court, unlike the district court found that the case was statute-barred.

And there was talk of a victory, thought Penkowa.

– I have been acquitted. So if you can spell acquitted, you will understand that it is a victory, said hjerneforskeren at the time, and added:

– I’m really, really happy. It is a great victory. But the main thing is that it is a great victory for many people. Because all people have a Penkowa-case. There are incredibly many, who are struggling against the whole of the state.

See also: the University takes doctorate from Milena Penkowa: ‘Quite unusual and extraordinary’

Dokumentfalskneriet was about some rotteforsøg, which was described in a scientific article in the journal Glia back in the year 2000.

the Experiments were part of a doctoral thesis, which Penkowa submitted in 2003. The met, however, the criticism, and in the extension of it she showed off four false documents to the university’s then principal. Ago she pulled her dissertation back and submitted a new one in 2006.

See also: Former brain scientist Penkowa is deprived of the doctoral degree

See also: Milena Penkowa get a ban on having patients