the COURT OF FREDERIKSBERG (Ekstra Bladet): – People fled, but I was standing. I shall decide when I leave my workplace.

that was the gist of it from a cashier at Danske Bank, who testified in the Court of Frederiksberg on Wednesday, where a total of six swedes are accused in a case of a robbery and a robbery attempt in Copenhagen.

The two compared addresses six swedes, who are indicted to stand behind a battering ram-robbery against Danish Bank on the Main street in Copenhagen 29. march 2016, where the robbers got away with four million dollars and an attempt to commit robbery against vekselbureauet Forex on Falkonér Allé in Copenhagen, 10 July 2019.

One of the witnesses in court for battering ram-robbery against Danish Bank, was a now retired employee, as was the close up at the robbers as they lay on his knees and total cash in black bags.

– I was, because I would like to stress the robbers. So long as I have not felt myself in mortal danger, so was I, told the witness in court on Wednesday, which at the time had been the closest to the robbery back in 2016.

While the robbers tried to bring together the many cash in the bank, tried the now-retired employee to hide as much cash as possible.

– There was a stack of bankposer with cash in on the shank, which the robbers had not discovered. I took them, and laid them on a desk, so the robbers could not get hold of them, but one of the robbers discovered it, explained to the witness in court.

the Robber came up from the floor, and with a gun he went upon the witness and the money. The many money as the then the employee tried to hide, got the robber thus with them in the bag.

It was apparent from the monitoring from the bank.

Two of the six swedes, a 35-year-old and a 26-year-old is now charged, together with one or more unknown medgerningsmænd, to have committed a million-robbery. Here used the robbers in a stolen Volvo 440 year 1995 as a battering ram, which was driven through the facade to the Danish Bank.

By røveriforsøget against Forex in July arrested the police four of the six swedes in the backyard to vekselbureauet. Here they stood with the flashlight and examined the window on the back of Forex.

the Robbers escaped not of the place with some values.

They had come to Denmark from Sweden the same afternoon, where they had rented a cabin at Bellahøj Camping in Brønshøj. When the police searched the cottage they found a lot of udsytr. They found a disguise, a dummy pistol, a knife, strips, duct tape, a crowbar, angle grinder, a bolt cutters and a pipe wrench.

in Addition, there were also seized five ‘blank’ BMW keys as well as a omkodningsenhed to billåse.

Several of the defendants are previously convicted. All six defendants deny guilty.

The two, who are charged with million-robbery, required expelled for good, while the other four required demonstrated in at least 12 years of røveriforsøget against Forex.

One of the defendants overlap with both crimes. He is charged in both cases.

There is expected to decline judgment on Thursday afternoon.

See also: Police: Gang got four million dkk. under the battering ram-coup against the Danish Bank