About 20 arrested, 20 have raided addresses and seven out of the country’s 12 police districts involved.

This is some of the information, such as the police and the Police Intelligence service (PET), to date has come up with a new terrorsag, where the police went for in a big action Wednesday.

the Background of the action is a suspicion that a terrorist attack with a “militant islamist motive” was to be prepared.

20 addresses were searched today for bindlese with the police anti-terrorism action, also on Wednesday evening is that searches several sites. Photo: Kenneth Meyer

the Former operative head of PET, Hans Jørgen Bonnichsen notice that there appears to be a network.

The remarkable thing is that it is a network. The characteristic has been that it usually has been soloterrorister, that has drawn the picture. I will say, that if you are in a network, there is a greater likelihood of being uncovered, he says.

Hans Jørgen Bonnichsen says, however, that one should be wary of putting too much in the arrests yet.

I remember the previous terrorsager – for example, the Glostrup-case. There was arrested 25 people, only four were manufactured in the grundlovsforhør, and only one was convicted. So I will probably just wait for the situation in the nearest days, before I will comment on the gravity of the case, he says.

It is unknown how many of the approximately 20 detainees accused of terrorism, and what other of those arrested are accurately sieved.

Police also have not disclosed whether those arrested are believed to have had concrete plans for a terrorist attack against a specific target, or whether they more broadly should have plans to conduct a terrorist attack.

It is also not been given some information about the arrested. Therefore, it is known, for example, not what nationality or how old they are.

The Swedish terrorforsker Magnus Ranstorp believes that it is unusual with so many arrested and searches.

– It is unusual and very large, he says.

He points, however, also indicate that there has not yet been informed much about the case.

– It can be a big attack, as it has prevented. It can also be a small attack, and that there is a small core, but not to take a risk, then take all the people around the small core, says Ranstorp.

Watch the entire police news conference here. Video: Ritzau Scanpix