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Although the Attorney general with the president Boris Frederiksen in the lead has a lucrative contract with the state to be its favorite lawyer, inform the company not how much you earn.

But now can Extra Magazine provide a rare glimpse into how many millions the lawyers actually earn, when it comes to the work with the large and heavy bankruptcy.

A review of the so-called cirkulæreskrivelser and acontobegæringer for seven of the banks which went bankrupt during the recent financial crisis, shows that the Attorney general has been to raise the fees for 172 million kroner for 74.616 hours of work.

Among konkursboerne is there a big difference in the amount of work and thus the fees.

the top scorer is Amagerbanken, which went bankrupt in 2011. The work with the has, as previously written in other media, provided a fee of 96 million dollars to Boris Frederiksen and his co-curator Jørgen Holst, as they thus share. Here are the hourly wage rate has been 2405 crowns.

In relation to the latter, however, it is rigmandsbanken Capinordic, which collapsed in 2010, which jumps in the eyes. Here are the hourly wage rate has been at 2723 dollars, and the total fee sounds so far to almost 22 million.

Both should is still not closed down, why the final bill is expected to be even greater. The same is the case with Fjordbank Mors, which the bill so far sounds a little more than 19 million dollars.

Some of the konkursboerne is also shut down – for example, Sparekassen Østjylland and Max Bank, which cost the creditors respectively for 16.2 million dollars and 5.7 million dollars in legal fees.

Generally speaking, is timepriserne for the boers in the range of 2200 – 2700 crowns. It includes work from students and agents to lawyers and partners.

Barrels Bank has only given approximately. 1400 crowns per hour, but according to Boris Frederiksen it will probably end at the same level as the other estates, when it is completed.

When a curator wants to get payment for his work, it is the probate court, which determines whether the amount, you require, also to be paid.

According to the skifteretsdommer Torben Kuld Hansen is in each case different. But it is not often that the bankruptcy court protesting and bring the amount down, as you saw it in 2015, when the three curators, including Boris Frederiksen got reduced their fees for Sandgården with five million dollars.

It happens not often but sometimes, when we fall over something that can’t be true. For example, if the consideration becomes too high and it completely exhausts the entire estate, so we are extra critical, he says, and adds:

– the higher The dwell the more critical looks at it. It is clear, is how it is. But it also looked at the small must. There must be a different assessment for, when we must assess the great boer as, for example, Amagerbanken.

-It is a hypothetical question, as I can’t answer. But it is clear that if the probate gets some help from the outside, it is always an advantage. Our task is not to be policemen. We will take a decision based on the information that we have, just like any other court.

You can not control it in the sense that one can see objectively if there is used the number of hours or not, but you can do something else. You can look at the specific tasks that are performed, and then assess whether the time spent is an appropriate amount. But it is of course an estimate.

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Boris Frederiksen and the Attorney general is the state’s favorite lawyer, but work with the banks did not come in the house due to the role. Photo: Rasmus Flindt Pedersen

Boris Frederiksen: We got our part – others got their

According to Boris Frederiksen is towards the fees for the seven bank failures in an ’expression of ten years of work’.

‘There is talk about a number of individual cases, which in all respects is unusual, and arising out of the financial crisis, where there were many big cases. We got to ”our part” thereof, while the other got ”their share” of these cases. If you are doing a similar exercise on the other major offices and their ”big cases” in the same period of time, you will get a picture that is not very different,’ he writes in an email response.

According to him, the Attorney general is not given access to the seven bankruptcy due to the agreement with the state, though it is the Fsa, who have identified them.

‘the Banks come to us, because we have specialist competence in such matters, and follows in no way of Kammeradvokataftalen. It is probably no different than that f.ex. Gorrissen virtually always appointed as liquidators in bankruptcy, involving flyfinansiering, by Thomas Cook.’

About the business on konkursområdet he says:

‘Our business in this area is konjunkturafhængig and thus fluctuates. We have a not insignificant business in the area, which has something with our focus on the area of our expertise, experience and the resources allocated to the area to do. We invest in to be up to date and competitive and has among other things introduced ”Konkursportalen”, which provides a very high degree of transparency on tasks and costs.’