
– I got an email from Ørsted, who enlightened me about my electricity consumption d. 26-10-2019.

They could see that it was the largest consumption in the month of October.

do you Know what day you have used the most power, and keep an eye on your power consumption, asked Ørsted

– The writes that it is a remote unloading station, but there must be something very wrong.

– I can disclose that I was NOT home (all day and into the evening) because of the wedding.

– It seems to me VERY strange that just the day when I’m NOT home, there should be used the most power.

– Since I live alone there are not others who may have the opportunity to abuse my power.

There’s just one problem – Leslie was not at home that day.

so begins Leslie H an email to the nation! to be a customer of the power company Ørsted and feel bad treated. Birgit could not recognize it In writing to her – and when she asks He answers, so she gets to know that there are busy. Her letter – which he comments on below – continues namely as follows:

– I have told others about my experience, and in a company, I participated in, there was a man who had been out for the same.

he Also wondered why This way of measuring on – he had been in Jutland 2 days, on the two days that he iføkge he should have consumed the most power.

– When I emailed to Ørsted, and asked for answers, I got now a new mail from Ørsted. It sounded that they were very busy and could not reply my mail for 3 months. (Everything is probably forgotten) but no.

– I did so for the Ørsted and said that I demanded an explanation as soon as possible from them. Now it was really their remote swipes, I went in doubt. And it had many other also do.

– It seemed that they knew the problem.

– Now I have received a electricity bill that is TWICE as high as it used to be.

– I call therefore on Tuesday to Ørsted, and asked what they had going in. I had in christmas only been home on christmas eve. It wouldn’t cost 650 dkk. ex. in the stream.

They asked me to complaint to customer service – again – but I didn’T.

– Now it must be enough. It is as to turn in a quilt, they are totally indifferent, just customers pay.

– I expect to hear an explanation for this strange phenomenon, writes Julie, and Ørsted and communications department

– If you as a customer wonder about the consumption or the expense has been obtained, one should contact his electricity supplier, which also happened in this case.

electricity supplier and the client together can review, if you may have overlooked one or more sources of consumption – for example, elopvarmning or other electrical appliances that has been running, although I have been out of the house.

– If it does not resolve the matter, we can as elnetselskab, who owns the meter, come into the picture.

– In Radius Grid, we have over the last three years, set up new fjernaflæste electricity meters with over a million customers.

– Although all the fjernaflæste meters are new and developed to measure with great accuracy, so we can never guarantee that there will not occur an error.

– Therefore we also have the opportunity as part of our dialogue with the customer, or the electricity supplier to provide a parallel measurement in the household or get the meter tested at an independent measurement laboratory.

– In 26 cases, we have the following dialogue with the customer sent one of the new fjernaflæste meters to study at an accredited laboratory. In one case, it turned out that there was a technical fault on the meter, writing In namely, but what are you thinking?