It is as you know associated with a certain risk to run speedway on the eliteplan.

Broken bones, and bruises are common injuries in the harsh motorsport, but sometimes hits the worst pain outside of the season.

It can be the Danish viceverdensmester, Leon Madsen, sign on, after he on Wednesday was under the knife in just under four hours.

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Ready for another surgery This time to repair my broken ankle by removing 2 titanium pins from my leg I have from an older injury.

A spread shared by Leon Madsen (@leonmadsenracing) the

For the operation that was carried out in Poland, would prove to be a violent, painful game for the Danish star.

Here was the plan, that he should have removed the two titanium rods in left leg, for which he was hospitalized after a crash in 2005.

But the operation went not at all according to plan.

The Polish doctors could not loosen and remove the two metalstave.

instead they had to settle for pushing one spell away from the ankle, where the generated, and up towards the knee, after which they sawed five inches of the stake. The second piece of metal they had to let sit.

– No, they could kraftedeme not get them out. It was a violent place, he says to Ekstra Bladet about the extremely painful spectacle.

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Tough to 3.5 hours operation yesterday! It didn’t go to plan and the doctors had to give up trying to take out the pins from my leg. Luckely they managed to remove enough so it’s not in my ankle anymore, so it will be all good. Now I need some time to recover and I’ll be back strong and fit next year! #backstronger

A spread shared by Leon Madsen (@leonmadsenracing) the

– I got a rygmarvsbedøvelse, but it did not work properly. So they tried, with ever stronger pain medications, so I became more and more dopet. But I still had the big pain, and there was blood everywhere. It was damn hard, notes Leon Madsen dry.

Leon Madsen proved in 2019, he is among the world’s very best speedway riders. Photo: Jarek Pabijan

As if the place were not bad enough, was Leon Madsen also under the knife on Friday last week, where Polish doctors with a new method took advantage of the dane’s back, who has been plagued by several cases of a herniated disc. An operation to correct an earlier intervention, with Leon Madsen’s own words just ‘made it worse’.

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But after three operations this winter hope the dane, that it is over for this time.

– I’m not just ready to run the speedway in the morning, but I think and hope that I will come stronger back next season.

In the years I have actually been running with a broken ankle, and I have not been able to train properly. Now I hope that I next year can take the last leap and reach my ultimate goal, which is to become world champion, says it with conviction in his voice.

In 2019 ended Leon Madsen just two points after the Polish Bartosz Zmarzlik, even though the dane was repeatedly hit by injuries.

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