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The powerful permanent secretary in the ministry of Defence, Thomas Ahrenkiel, have since last week struggled for his life as a top government official from greece.

At a news conference Tuesday morning, a furious defense secretary tell you that she is the first Wednesday evening 23 o’clock was informed that the ministry of Defence for several months had investigated a case of far-reaching fraud in the Defense.

A study, which the director apparently should have known.

It was Friday of last week Trine Team to give his department three days to come up with an explanation of the process. Together with the statement sent Thomas Ahrenkiel a letter to his commander in chief.

The letter is Tuesday morning have been published.

‘It is ultimately my responsibility to ensure that you are informed in a timely manner, and I very much regret the departmental error in this case,’ sounds among other selvbebrejdende from Thomas Ahrenkiel to the Trine Team.

In the letter, Thomas writes Ahrenkiel, ‘that the matter has continuously evolved in an ever-more serious direction’.

‘I must, in the light of the statement conclude that you should have been informed about the case significantly earlier,’ writes Thomas Ahrenkiel, who at the same time recognises that the Trine Team should have been informed, when she took office as defense secretary at the end of June.

‘It is, moreover, a fault that becomes so much worse when it can be observed that during the course of the proceedings has been a variety of different times, where the department has had occasion to inform you or your predecessor, to continue the Thomas Ahrenkiel its bodsgang.

He lists the then six times from september 2019 to 18. november 2019, in which the minister should be informed.

Read the full letter here

Dear secretary of defense,

I send herewith a statement on the defense department’s department’s handling of the process in connection with the Rigsrevisionens study of procurement at the department of defense Ejendomsstyrelse – with a focus on when the information on the case was presented to you as secretary and the departmental executive management team. The statement reproduces the department of defense department view of the course.

As evidenced by the statement, there is talk about a case that has been running in several tracks, and which have continuously evolved in an ever-more serious direction.

I must, in the light of the statement conclude that you should have been informed about the case significantly earlier than it actually happened. You were thus the first of the 4. december 2019 on the evening of informed about a case, as you rightfully should have been informed of, in connection with the fact that you took office as minister of defence – and that your predecessor should have been informed already as to The auditor general in april 2019 oriented department that received a request from the whistleblower.

It is undoubtedly that there is an error from the departmental page.

It is also a mistake, there will be so much worse, when it can be observed that during the course of the proceedings has been a variety of different times, where the department has had the natural opportunity to inform you or your predecessor. Thus, it is my opinion that the department (by april 2019) should also be submitted case:

1) When the department in september 2019 and October 2019 concludes that Rigsrevisionens study can lead to strong respectively. severe criticism.

2) When the department of the 1. October 2019 from the Office of the auditor general receives a beretningsudkast, which points out a number of problems in the department of defense Ejendomsstyrelse.

3) When the department of the 29. October 2019 by the Office of the auditor general is informed of the possible regnskabssvig and forgery. Sagsnr.: 2019/002649 28859 Page 2 of 2

4) When the department of the 5. november 2019 by the Office of the auditor general to be notified that the whistleblower has reported to the police, the involved supplier.

5) Since the department of the 8. november 2019 by the Office of the auditor general to be notified that the whistleblower has been contacted by several media outlets.

6) When the department of the 18. november 2019 from the Office of the auditor general receives a revised beretningsudkast, where it points out further problems in the department of defense Ejendomsstyrelse.

It is ultimately my responsibility to ensure that you are informed in a timely manner, and I very much regret the departmental error in this case.

There should be no doubt that it is absolutely essential that you, as the secretary of defense are kept informed on significant matters on very high, so you, as the minister has the necessary basis to make your decisions about the handling of the cases. The basis you have not gotten in this case, and as mentioned it is very regrettable.

I will, therefore, across the department make clear, to both the secretary of defense as the director in a timely manner shall be submitted to all essential matters.

I must conclude that there can be identified a definite cause for the error has occurred. But when an error of this nature may occur, do I assess that there is a need for a formalization of departmental processes for which cases must be submitted to the secretary of defense, and the director, and when such submission must be made. There will be started work to establish a instruction in that area, and I expect to be able to present a draft to this instruction for your approval within two weeks.


Thomas Ahrenkiel

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In spite of the great failure in the department, as Thomas Ahrenkiel as departementetschef is the top responsible, it seems, that he survives as head of department.

In any case rejected the Trine Team at a news conference Tuesday morning to fire his top government official from greece.

– With the information I have at the present time, is also the director only recently been informed about the big picture of the case. It is on this basis that I can trust to my permanent secretary, she said at the press conference.

Here, she is also his permanent secretary to stand for oral interview on the matter.

Skandalesagen is basically about the mess with procurement in the department of defense Ejendomsstyrelse. The auditor general has uncovered serious bugs and a lack of control with procurement at the agency.

The same people who place an order, have been able to accept it and pay out the money. Two persons are reported to the police, and five others are indicted in a case of bribery and breach of mandate.

the Chairman of the public accounts committee, Henrik Thorup, has called it the worst he has seen in his 20 years as statsrevisor.

Already, barely two years ago there was an internal report in the ministry that exposed the same issues, which is now examined by the Office of the auditor general, because a whistleblower stood up.

in Addition to an internal investigation is now being launched in an external.

the Director appointed in the last week a task force to investigate the case with koncernstyringsdirektøren in the lead. But he is relieved from service and was transferred, as he had a role in the case.

the Director of the department of defense Ejendomsstyrelse is also exempted from service until further notice. He got a few weeks ago extended his åremålskontrakt with four years.

Extra Magazine trying to get an in-depth comment from those involved.

do you Know something? Write directly to the journalists behind the story here.