the Government will abolish the separate management and administration in the four largest cities.

It is the cities, where the Party sits with the top borgmesterpost.

today has just the four cities, a specific form of government, which means that they have more mayors or councillors with ultimate responsibility for their administration and staff. The system, the government will abolish in order to free up money.

– We put up a new form of government in the big cities, so we are making up with the silodelte management, which is today, says social – and interior minister, Astrid Krag (S) to Jyllands-Posten.

According to the government, the proposal will with “a conservative estimate” total could free up around a quarter of a billion dollars, as the four municipalities can keep.

The case of Copenhagen, Aarhus, Aalborg and Odense.

With this proposal will both fagborgmestrene in the capital city of and municipal council in the other three municipalities retain their current titles and salary. But they must be included in a new joint leadership of the municipality with the mayor in the lead.

Several current councillors warn, however, against the proposal. It will, according to them, concentrating the power of the four socialist mayors, who today sits at the head of the four cities.

– It is a betoncentralisering of a very large part of the power about socialist bykonger, says the councillor for children and young people in Aarhus Municipality, Thomas Medom (SF) to the JP.

the Same pitch sounds from the Liberal party alderman for the city and culture in Odense Jane Jegind.

– I am afraid that we lose something of democratic influence, and that the municipality becomes a very big juggernaut far away from the citizens, she says to the newspaper.

An expert considers, moreover, that it is uncertain whether a merger of the administrations will be able to deliver big savings.

– I would not have too high expectations for such an exercise. Of course, there may be some functions which overlap, but each political committee must still be operated.

– the Potential for savings is in each case affected by a significant uncertainty, says Niels Opstrup, associate professor at the Department of Political science at the University of Southern denmark.

the Government’s proposal is part of a major overhaul of the economic distribution between the country’s 98 municipalities, which is presented Thursday.

It is called the compensatory mechanism.

Prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) has indicated that the big cities must pay more to the less.

In the government’s upcoming proposal will 60 municipalities come to receive the money, while 38 municipalities will have to pay.