As it was a poster from the film series of the Apes of the Planet sits the three chimpanzees and the glor alvorstungt out in the air.

They form a work of art created by Simone Fugazzotto and hangs to the spectacle of the Series A-management’s headquarters in Milan.

the League’s director, Luigi De Siervo, says that the work fully reflects values such as fair play and tolerance. Why have you chosen to exhibit them in kontorlandskabet.

Other places in the industry are seen that are not with the same mild and positive eyes on primaterne.

not at all.

Roc Nation, fodboldagenturet, which, among other things, belgian Romelu Lukaku on the contract, is lost in the flint of the same reason.

how the hell can you have pictures of the monkeys hanging on a historically critical time in the league, where racism and just abelyde again and again has sounded from the stands against the colored player?

It asks Michael Yormack, who is the director of the company, rhetorical to the English Telegraph Sport.

In the interview, he calls the piece ’a disgrace’.

– Each time the Series A open mouth, it gets worse. Each time Series A comes with anything that relates to racism and the fight against it, it becomes worse. The images are insensitive. They are embarrassing, not only for the league but also for their clubs and in the whole Italy, he says.

Racism from the crowd is not a new phenomenon, but the past few seasons, there have been several episodes. Mario Balotelli raged over the treatment earlier in the autumn, where he threatened to migrate from a fight – and Lukaku himself is the latest victim of Cagliari’s extreme fans in Sardinia.

In the context of an increasingly worldwide phenomenon, Black Friday, was the nationwide sportsavis the Corriere dello Sport in a front page with the same wording flanked by images of Lukaku and English Chris Smaling prior to a match between their clubs, Inter FC and AS Roma.

It got AS Roma and AC Milan to boycott the newspaper.

And now this.

According to Michael Yormack risk Series A, to other colored players choose other leagues than the Italian, when they must write the contract, which is not exactly going to be beneficial for the business in Italy over the past decade has halset after the Spanish and English football.

I understand it simply does not. It is a sign of their lack of understanding. They have no clue about what they should do in relation to racism in the soccer ball. It is time they seek advice from organizations that understand on the topic, said Yormack.

Romelu Lukaku is a success at Inter. But if the belgian is considering to move away from Italian football, it is to understand. Photo: Alessandro Garofalo/Reuters/Ritzau Scanpix

It is not more than a month ago, all the clubs in Serie A came together and drew up an open letter to ’all who love Italian football’, as it were.

the Mission was simple: To stand together and wipe out the serious problems with racism.

The former top player and current ekspertkommentator Jan Åge Fjørtoft understood not, as he saw it, which came to expression, as when flax and should, on Twitter.

– What is wrong with people??? Is there not some responsible people at the head of Serie A?, he asked out in the huge forum.

Exactly the same position, his former colleague in the Premier League – and, incidentally, also present ekspertkommentator, Stan Collymore, who on the same social media chose a more sarcastic approach.

– Great to see Serie A’s anti-racist campaign posters (yes, they are really real), he writes.

Mario Balotelli was about to emigrate in the match between Brescia and Verona, as he was subjected to heckling. Photo: Ciro De Luca/Reuters/Ritzau Scanpix

Risk Network, working targeted against precisely the racism in european football, was also close to lose jaw on the floor, when they saw the picture from Milan.

– once again Italian football managed to get the whole world to cease. It is hard to see what Series of A thought. Who saw the?, they ask rhetorically, according to the BBC and call it a sick joke.

– These creations are a disgrace. They will have the opposing effect and continue umenneskeliggørelsen of persons with african background, they say, and backed up by the English Kick It Out.

– It is inappropriate and undermines any kind of positive intentions and will have the opposite effect. We hope that the league will evaluate and get the works replaced, says a spokesman.

the Artist herself, Simone Fugazzotto, can not see the problem.

– I have tried to show that we all are complex and fascinating creatures that can be sad or happy. Catholic, muslim or buddhist. Ultimately what defines, who you are, not your skin color, he is quoted as saying.

Luigi De Siervo, which as written is the general manager in Serie A, defending the work and the use of it.

– the League take a clear distance from any form of prejudice, he says to Football Italia.

– For an artist, there is nothing more important than to try to affect the perception of things through his works.

– I decided to portray monkeys in the debate about racism, because they are a metaphor for people. Last year I attended the match between Inter and Napoli (where Napoli’s Kalidou Koulibaly was exposed to abelyde from the stands, ed.), and I felt umenneskeliggjort. All shouted ’monkey’ after Koulibaly, a player I respect.

– I’ve painted monkeys in five-six years, so I created this work to show that we all are monkeys. I created the western monkey with blue and white eyes, the asian with the almond shaped eyes and the black monkey in the middle, where everything comes from. The monkey will be the spark that teaches all that there is no difference. There is no man or monkey. We are all the same.

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