
In Pinellas County, Florida, a heartwarming discovery was made by Joe Kovach, an engineering inspector with Pinellas County Public Works. While overseeing hurricane debris collection at a site near Tampa after Hurricanes Helene and Milton, a contractor found a small black box containing a ring.

Kovach described the find as incredible, noting that the contractor stumbled upon the ring while sifting through debris from Hurricane Helene. Inside the box was a note that read, “I was 18 when my parents gave it to me.” Kovach refrained from sharing a picture of the ring, hoping that the owner would come forward to provide a description before returning it to them.

The debris piles being sorted through are from unincorporated residents in the northern area of the county, leading Kovach to believe that the owner may reside in areas like Ozona or Palm Harbor. Despite his hunch, he admitted that there is no definitive way to determine the owner’s exact location.

Kovach’s goal is to turn this fortunate discovery into a positive outcome amidst the devastation caused by the hurricanes. He expressed his desire to return the ring to its rightful owner, emphasizing the importance of doing something good for the community in the face of challenging circumstances.

Pinellas County officials are urging anyone with information about the ring to reach out to them via direct message on their Facebook page. This heartwarming story serves as a reminder of the unexpected moments of hope and connection that can arise even in the aftermath of natural disasters.