Although the situation has improved and they can come home again.

How to write Carsten M in a comment on the Christian newspaper distribution Facebookprofil of the three syrians, who have just been told that their asylum in Denmark is over.

It is Flygtningenævnet, for the first time, has upheld the asylum-the refusal given by the foreign office, and on the board website one can read that they rejected – which all come from the Damascus area – neither can get a residence permit on the grounds of the general conditions or after an individual assessment:

– The current conditions in Damascus (is) no longer of such a nature that there is a basis to assume to any will be in real risk of being subjected to abuse in violation with the Echr only as a result of the mere presence in the area, it appears thus of refusals, which you can read here.

at the same time to the Danish asylum authorities supreme body, that is now refusing to syrians, Danish Refugee council announce that 20 syrian nationals have gone home in the month of november. Thus the total number of syrians who have gone home from Denmark with support from the Danish state up to 91 since april:

the staff that the conditions have been better down there.

– So they can all travel home again and be with to rebuild their country, writes Elna D in a Facebook comment, while Sven H shows understanding that some syrians will stay in Denmark:

– If the family members are killed and one has been chased on the run of Bashar al-Assad, one can surely not blame the people in that refuse to go home.

– I understand the reasons people have to refuse the return and that they therefore probably ends up to stay in a udrejsecenter, writes Sven.

The Danish state can withdraw up to 140,000 dkk per adult and 42.000 kronor per child, so they hjemrejsende can establish themselves in the country of origin. The largest part of the money will be paid after one year at home, but what are you thinking?

See also: New law is popular: more and More syrians are leaving Denmark