Friday was the 21-year-old Katrine Bird Sjøquist at Hjørring Hospital, where she had to have a blood test.

She stood in the queue, and a little further on, she could see an elderly man, who looked as if he was about to fall backwards.

He looked very confused, but there was no one who did anything. Some sat and laughed at him, and there were a few young people, who sat and pointed. It seems I am just not okay, says Katrine Bird Sjøquist to Ekstra Bladet.

So the 21-year-old nordjyde, who was wearing his uniform from the Navy, where she works as a logistikgast, went resolutely towards the and took contact to the man, who turned out to be 76 years and was named the Arne Sørensen.

He had stood there a long time, and he was quite confused about when he should check. I began to talk with him, and so we fell just so quiet in the talk, she says.

Katrine Bird Sjøquist noticed that Arne Sørensen has so confused and uncertain, so she helped him. No one else offered to help, and several laughed just of the older man. Private: Katrine Bird Sjøquist

Katrine Bird Sjøquist be able to sense at Arne Sørensen, that he was confused about how he should come home to Hjallerup, which is located about 30 kilometers from the town of Hjørring Hospital, denmark. He had been picked several hours before his appointment and did not know how he would contact the taxaordningen to get home.

I said, you know what, when it’s my turn, so I go in, and when I come back, so I am waiting for you.

– He was simply so overwhelmed that I’d like to wait on him. He had not expected, because we young people have so busy and not take care of the old. He was not at all accustomed to, says Katrine Bird Sjøquist.

As Arne Sørensen was finished taking his blood, she stood, as promised, and waited on him. Together they went up to reception to get a taxi, but that turned out to be several hours of waiting.

– finally I just said, I’ll probably even run the Arne home. So I patted his walker up and put it in the back seat of my small car, and so I drove him home to Hjallerup, says the 21-year-old, who lives about 50 kilometres from Hjallerup.

In the car got Arne Sørensen and Katrine Bird Sjøquist a long talk. It turned out that they had much in common – among other things he had once worked in the same place as her parents – so when they arrived at the Arnes address, she was invited inside, where the conversation went on.

Katrine Bird Sjøquist ended up being late for another appointment, she had at Hjørring Hospital later in the day. But since they had already heard about her history with Daniel, and she could easily reach to get to. Private: Katrine Bird Sjøquist

When Katherine Bird Sjøquist were to run again, she could see that Arne Sørensen got tears in his eyes.

– We have been talking in the phone several times since then. On Monday I will be home to him and eat open-faced sandwiches, and then we need to talk a little bit about all the reactions that have come in our history, laughing Katrine Bird Sjøquist.

After his meeting with Arne Sorensen and she put a posting on Facebook, where she encourages everyone to remember to help others.

the Lookup is already been shared over 13,000 times on social media, and in the comments and Katrine Bird Sjøquists inbox overturning it now with messages from people who thank for her action. It is, however, not all reactions to the story, which has been positive, she says.

– I’ve simply got so many negative messages that I need to seek my attention elsewhere. But I have written back, that it’s not about that I must have the attention. It is about the youth of today do not treat the elderly properly, says Katrine Bird Sjøquist, and continues:

– If my grandfather was about to fall, so I would be mega happy if that was the one that helped him. This is the message I want out. Instead of that we just sitting and looking at our phones, so we need to help each other any more.

Katrine Bird Sjøquist adds that she is very grateful and touched by all the messages and calls she has received after telling her story.

– And that people have ordered flowers for me, I’m so grateful, she says to Ekstra Bladet.

the Extra Leaf has been in contact with 76-year-old Arne Sørensen, who has accepted that we bring the story and the pictures of him and Katherine Bird Sjøquist.