The level of the Ter and Llobregat reservoirs, which supply the Barcelona and Girona region, stands at a quarter of their capacity (26%), clear proof of dwindling resources. The central Catalan region (224 municipalities, 15 counties, six million people) is subject to the exceptional measures decreed by the Government that seek to preserve the flows to delay the entry into an emergency, something that would occur if the reservoirs reach 17% . It would be at that moment when the domestic restrictions on basic services could begin.

The forecast now indicates that, if it does not rain, an emergency could be entered at the end of August or beginning of September. But this calendar is adjusted depending on the contributions (not just rain). An important role here is played by the growing contribution of the reused flows regenerated in the El Prat de Llobregat treatment plant, which are pumped upstream to be made drinkable at the Sant Joan Despí station (and which will add between April and October 17 hm3, double of the volume of a reservoir such as Siurana).

Water limitations are now focused on the agricultural, livestock and industrial sectors (with cuts of 40%, 30% and 15%). And the use of drinking water for irrigation of parks and public and private green areas has been prohibited. But if the emergency is decreed, the limitations for those uses will rise by 80%, 50% and 25% respectively. And, in addition, the current endowment (230 liters per person per day for all uses) would be cut to 200 liters per person per day.

For this reason, municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants have been required to present their drought plans in the face of a possible emergency, in which they must even anticipate the possibility of having to reduce water pressure or organize hourly supply cuts.

With the two desalination plants at full capacity, whether the emergency is delayed also depends on savings in all areas.