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Everything is ready for ‘La Vanguardia’ to launch the new digital channel on November 21 to address the concerns of the Catalan university community. It will be called “La Uni” and aims to be a reference information platform for all actors involved in the university world. Although it wants to explain to students the many new developments in its universities, it also wants to become a container for reports with which to understand – from an external perspective – the vast academic life that we find in each faculty.

The presentation of this new project will be held next Tuesday, November 21, at 4 p.m., in the CosmoCaixa auditorium. There will be the presence of the highest representatives of all the agents involved: Joan Guàrdia, rector of the University of Barcelona; Javier Lafuente, rector of the Autonomous University of Barcelona; Daniel Crespo, rector of the Universitat Politèncica de Catalunya – Barcelona Tech; Jordi Juan, director of ‘La Vanguardia’ and Joaquim Nadal, Councilor of Universities of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

This particular “inaugural class” will be led by Susanna Quadrado, head of the Society area of ??‘La Vanguardia’, who will welcome the event and lead the round table titled “The University as a key element of professional success.” And to honor the title of the meeting, there will be three alumni who have achieved great goals after their academic time at these three Catalan centers.

The first will be Anna Navarro Schlegel, who will participate electronically. She is a former UB student, and today she is a reference in the world of technology and globalization in Silicon Valley, where she has been for nearly three decades. She has a degree in English and German Philology and is vice president of the Product, International Market and Globalization Department at Procore Technologies. In 2020, Analytics Insight magazine catapulted her as the most influential woman in the world in the field of technology and, in 2021, the prestigious CIO Look magazine selected her as the most admired business woman in the world.

Yolanda Lupiáñez, computer engineer and master in Business Administration and Management from the EAE – UPC, will speak on behalf of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She has more than two decades of experience in the information and communication technologies sector. She is an expert in digital transformation, especially applied in the field of health and public administration. Over the course of her professional career, she has served as director of the health unit in Catalonia of the international consulting firm NTT Data, and has been director of digital transformation at the TIC Salut Foundation, where she led the creation of different computer applications to respond to the pandemic. of covid by the Health Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia. Currently, she is CEO and founder of myllox, a startup that develops applications that simplify obtaining public aid, specializing in NextGeneration funds aimed at improving the energy efficiency of homes.

Finally, Elisenda Bou-Balust will be the former student of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya who will demonstrate the professional and business success she achieved with the creation of a company specialized in Artificial Intelligence capable of indexing the images of an audiovisual production. The feat achieved by the Vilynx company was quickly recognized by Apple who decided to acquire it, becoming the first acquisition that the North American multinational made in Spain. Now, the business adventure that began on the UPC campus is based in Barcelona, ??Los Angeles and Palo Alto. Elisenda Bou-Balut studied telecommunications at the UPC, went to MIT (Boston) and participated in various projects linked to NASA and Google. In 2018, she won the Young Entrepreneur award given by the Associació de Joves Empresaris de Catalunya.

With this launch, “La Uni” will begin the daily dissemination of informative content on its website and will be available to readers in any type of digital format.