The Mossos d’Esquadra yesterday received a complaint from the lawyer of the woman who accuses Dani Alves of rape due to the dissemination on the networks of a video posted by the footballer’s mother in which her identity is revealed. The young woman’s lawyer, Ester GarcĂ­a, yesterday presented the brief to the Central Sexual Assault Unit that has accompanied the woman throughout the judicial process. Once the complaint was received, the Mossos have prosecuted the case so that the court can specify how to proceed with the aim of stopping the dissemination of the video on the networks as soon as possible. One of the ways would be for the court to urgently urge the Instagram platform to prohibit the dissemination of the video and delete it from those profiles that have reproduced it. In addition, they want to know what room for maneuver they have to investigate the dissemination of the video and whether the prohibition on revealing the identity of the victim urged by the 15th investigative court of Barcelona also applies to the profiles that have published the images in Brazil.

Dani Alves’ mother and brother, who live in Brazil, posted a video on Instagram in which private images of the young woman who accuses her son of rape appear in order to cast doubt on her testimony. In the montage, messages appear in which she questions the supposed trauma that the events have caused the woman while she is seen dancing and spending leisure time with her friends. The victim’s lawyer filed a comprehensive complaint for the alleged commission of the crimes of revealing secrets by spreading the victim’s identity, against moral integrity because it threatens her honor, and obstruction of justice because the judge had prohibited personal data of the affected person is revealed.

The Central Sexual Assault Unit has accompanied the victim in recent weeks and has prepared with her the protection device that will be put in place during the trial that will begin on February 5 at the Barcelona Court. They have asked the court for protective measures to avoid any contact with Dani Alves both at the entrance and exit of the courtroom and to be able to testify behind a screen to protect his identity. The Prosecutor’s Office will also, for its part, request at the beginning of the trial that the victim’s image be protected during the trial. The Public Ministry requests nine years in prison for Dani Alves for a crime of sexual assault with penetration for the events that occurred on December 30, 2022 in a booth at the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona. The victim claims 12 years in prison for the same events.