RAC1 continues to establish itself as the leading radio station in Catalonia. According to quarterly data from the General Media Study (EGM) released this Wednesday, the Grupo Godó station has 855,000 listeners and has widened the gap with Catalunya Ràdio, its most immediate pursuer. RAC1 has 324,000 more listeners.

By programmes, the audience results for El món a RAC1, with Jordi Basté, have once again been a complete success. It has an average of 647,000 daily listeners, more than all of Catalunya Ràdio. Add 11,000 listeners compared to the latest data and, in the most listened to hour, from 8 to 9, the Basté program is followed by 358,000 listeners.

RAC1 is the leader for 19 hours a day. Of these, 16 are consecutive; from four in the morning to eight at night. The EGM also reveals that six of the ten most listened to programs in Catalonia are from RAC1.

In the season that celebrates its 25th anniversary, Toni Clapés’ Versió RAC1 has achieved the third best figure in history, with 303,000 listeners. It continues to be the most listened to Catalan program in the afternoon.

With respect to the rest of the most listened to programs, The competition, with Òscar Andreu and Òscar Dalmau, accumulates 168,000 listeners; You first, with Marc Giró, 124,000; RAC1 midday, with Núria Travesa and Xavi Rocamora, reaches 93,000, the second best figure of the program. In the afternoon and night, Iceland, with Albert Om, adds 12,000 listeners and has 137,000; the No ho sé, with Anna Vallhonesta, 85,000 and the Tu diràs, with Aleix Parisé, with 117,000.

At the weekend, Xavi Bundó’s Via lire has an average of 445,000 listeners on Saturdays; RAC1 noon, with Aurora Rodríguez and Albert Ferran, 95,000; Viatja Bé, with Esther Muñoz, once again broke its audience record with 70,000 listeners. The concentrated RAC has 73,000. On Sunday, Superesports, with Xavi Puig, has 220,000 listeners; the You will say, 123,000; and the Primera pedra, with Noemí Polls, adds 9,000 listeners and accumulates 17,000.

For its part, RAC105 reaches 174,000 listeners and is the fourth music station in Catalonia. Matina Codina, with Ernest Codina, has 101,000.