The premiere of Código 10, the new event and true crime program presented by David Alemán and Nacho Abad on Cuatro, landed this Tuesday with a powerful exclusive that has to do with Isabel Pantoja’s close circle. The Civil Guard has arrested one of the former lawyers of the singer for drug trafficking and belonging to a criminal organization in a macro operation in Malaga.

According to the exclusive Mediaset program, the lawyer’s name is Juan Fernández, he would be the logistics chief of the Farruku drug clan and, when the police investigation began, the now detainee was still Isabel Patoja’s lawyer.

Around five o’clock in the morning on April 12, an Organized Crime Anti-Drug Team (EDOA) from the Algeciras Civil Guard Command broke into the office of Juan Fernández, a well-known lawyer from Malaga, who at the time so was Isabel Pantoja. The agents shackled him and accused him of the crimes of drug trafficking and belonging to a criminal organization.

It seems to be, according to the Code 10 program, that the police investigation led to the lawyer for his active participation within the Farruku clan, a criminal organization that trafficked drugs around the world. In fact, along with Juan Fernández, 16 other people belonging to the gang were also arrested.

The role of the singer’s former lawyer in this drug trafficking network is fundamental, since he was the head of logistics for the organization. That is, the one who was in charge of storing and distributing the drug. To do this, Fernández used a network of companies related to the import and export of food and the sale of houses.

In fact, these houses for sale and industrial warehouses were the places chosen by the lawyer to hide the drug before its distribution. Next, after pointing out where the merchandise was stored, Juan Fernández together with his partners, dedicated to car rentals, facilitated its transport.

It should be noted that, when the Civil Guard investigation began in early 2021, the lawyer from Malaga was still practicing as Isabel Pantoja’s lawyer for her case on an alleged punishable insolvency crime. A relationship that ended a few months later, in November of that same year, due to legal discrepancies. This is how he told it himself in The Ana Rosa Program.

During all that time and up to now, investigators have accumulated numerous incriminating clues. Hence, his law firm was registered, in addition to other properties where the clan hid the drug from its entry into our country until its distribution throughout Europe.

The investigators’ alarms went off when they discovered two tons of cocaine hidden in containers of frozen hake. The shipment had arrived at the port of Algeciras from Ecuador and, the next day, a shooting murder was committed in a restaurant in Guayaquil. One of the clansmen had been killed in front of his entire family.

This made the police begin to connect the dots and discover that the drug was being introduced into Spain in food containers from Morocco and Central America.