Laura Escanes has exploded against Sálvame after the broadcast of some images of her in which her underwear was seen. The influencer she was making a recording accompanied by the stylist Juan Avellaneda, in which she could be seen skating and dancing, when due to an oversight, she could see her underwear.

A moment that the photographers took advantage of to capture and that the Mediaset program broadcast in its entirety, revealing the influencer’s buttocks and underwear in full, something that the Catalan did not like one bit, which did not take long to show her discontent through their social networks.

In the images, you can see the Catalan dressed in a cowboy outfit, with accessories such as a discman, which give her a very 90s air. The miniskirt, however, was the one that played a trick on her, because when bending over to adjust something on his skates, he revealed more than he would have liked.

“If I had my ass like that, I wouldn’t be ashamed to show it,” said Adela González from the set after seeing the images. A video that was intended to be something funny -they had the always infallible Germán González for it- but that Escanes was not amused at all, so he did not hesitate to call their attention.

“Starting with how disgusting it is that there is a photographer waiting for me to fall or bend over to take a picture of my ass and my panties, and continuing with how disgusting it is that, later, there are men deciding what is the content that is going to be broadcast this afternoon and they think it’s a good idea to post these photos,” said the influencer.

“With what intention? You are disgusting. Then you go as feminists. 2023 and that these things continue to happen. It’s something amazing,” she ended, indignant.

A sequence that the influencer certainly did not like at all, but neither did the viewers, who did not hesitate to support her on social networks.

It is not the first time that the allegedly toxic and macho behavior of Mediaset has been denounced, which has had to deal with this type of criticism on a daily basis and since its origins. Characters of questionable behavior who have been catapulted to stardom and then publicly fired or disowned; Media violence by collaborators and presenters, feedback on the drama and the search for the televised conflict… The list is long.

The new directive seems to want to put an end to all this, but this type of emissions leaves much to be desired. Everyone knows that the essence of Sálvame is melodrama, and that show can only be built from this type of cruelty and conflict, which has fatally trapped the audience for many years.