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Life sentence for the mother who left her 16-month-old baby alone and went on...

The mother of a 16-month-old baby, who died after being left alone for eight days in a home in Cleveland, Ohio, while she was...

What saint is celebrated today, Monday, March 20? Consult the saints

The Catholic calendar commemorates venerable figures of the Church, covering both saints and blesseds, assigning them a specific date for their memory. Among the...

What saint is celebrated tomorrow, Wednesday, March 20? Consult the saints

The Catholic calendar commemorates venerable figures of the Church, covering both saints and blesseds, assigning them a specific date for their memory. Among the...

La Cremà puts an end to Fallas with nearly 1 million visitors and open...

The fireworks displays and the fireworks prior to the Cremà have begun to write this Tuesday the epilogue of the festivities that end tonight...

The body found in Callosa de Segura is that of a man who disappeared...

The body found this Sunday in the Callosa de Segura mountain range (Alicante) is that of a 36-year-old man who disappeared a month ago...

Arrested for raping another man in a sauna in Madrid

The National Police have arrested a man as the alleged perpetrator of the rape suffered by another in a sauna in the Madrid neighborhood...

The AEGC demands that Marlaska declare the Civil Guard a risky profession

The Spanish Association of Civil Guards (AEGC) has demanded that the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, declare the Civil Guard a risky profession...

A Badalona court investigates a school teacher for online harassment

The Investigative Court 2 of Badalona has open proceedings following a complaint filed by several victims to a teacher at a school for online...

Life sentence for mother who let her baby die of starvation for going on...

The mother of a 16-month-old baby, who died after being left alone for eight days in a home in Cleveland, Ohio, while she was...

Three arrested for the death of five migrants who were thrown into the sea...

The Civil Guard and the National Police, in collaboration with Europol, have arrested two men and a woman for the drowning death of five...

I'm in the wrong career: effective strategies to find your true calling

There are people who are clear about what they want to study from a young age. However, the truth is that knowing what you...

Drought management requires spending little water and investing a lot

Catalonia is experiencing a drought episode that, both due to its duration and intensity and its surface area, is already historic. The most worrying...

The prison protest compromises the hearing on the freedom of Dani Alves

Dani Alves is summoned tomorrow, Tuesday, along with his lawyers and the accusations at the hearing that he must resolve if he can be...

A fifteen-year-old girl gives birth in the bathrooms of the Pola de Siero station...

A fifteen-year-old girl gave birth last Sunday in the bathrooms of the Pola de Siero commuter station, in Asturias. The girl went into labor...

Catalonia fails in religious culture

One in five people living in Catalonia does not know what is celebrated at Christmas and one in three is not able to say...

The new 'wow' effect in innovation: yes to technology but with a social purpose

Innovators should not get carried away by the fascination that technology produces, by its multiple possibilities, by its capacity for infinite improvement, which technologists...

A young man is injured by a gunshot after a new shooting in Marbella

A young man in his 20s was injured by a gunshot this Saturday after a new shooting in the Malaga municipality of Marbella, as...

The quality most sought after by companies is the ability to adapt to changes

It is no longer only necessary to have a degree to find a job, companies seek to hire professionals with certain qualities that are...

The Government will finance 3,400 doctoral assistant professors in public universities

The application of the Universities Law approved in 2023 is beginning to unravel. Today the Government presented its plan to help stabilize the workforce...

Qatar denies bail to Mexican man arrested for being gay

The Qatari justice system refused to grant bail to Manuel Guerrero, a Mexican man detained 46 days ago in the Arab country for being...

On March 19, the deadline to request scholarships for high school, vocational training and...

The Official State Gazette today publishes the dates of the deadlines to request scholarships for post-compulsory, university and non-university studies. They can be requested...

Securitas Direct establishes the Verisure Foundation in Spain to focus on social work

The leading company in protection services, Securitas Direct, focuses on social work with the creation of the Verisure Foundation in Spain, a new entity...

A neighbor from Malaga has been living in a park for two months to...

Eva, a 49-year-old resident of Malaga, has been living poorly for two months in a tent in a park in the Santa Inés neighborhood....

Muntsa Dachs, Maria Lluïsa Martínez Gistau and Joan Maria Clavaguera receive the "Masters of...

The Blanquerna Faculty of Communication and International Relations (Ramon Llull University) was the scene of the "Masters of Communication" awards ceremony, which celebrated its...

SpaceX's Starship rocket successfully takes off, key to the return of astronauts to the...

SpaceX's Starship rocket, the largest and most powerful in history, has successfully completed its third launch after the first two attempts ended in explosions.The...

A woman arrested for collecting 13,000 euros of a benefit in the name of...

The National Police have arrested a 49-year-old woman in Zaragoza as allegedly responsible for a crime of Social Security fraud and another of document...

They ask for 17 years in prison for a Jehovah's Witness for abusing a...

The Prosecutor's Office is asking for up to 17 years in prison for a follower of Jehovah's Witnesses accused of abusing a minor during...

Beyond a hobby: Transform your passion and study to become an influencer

The new social dynamics and concerns that now move young people increasingly motivate them towards less traditional professions, but with which they achieve greater...

The habit that you cannot skip if you do not want to have memory...

Very often we do not relate certain actions with their consequences on health, but that is what doctors and the rest of the scientific...

This is how the heart forms in the first weeks of pregnancy

The most detailed map to date of a developing human heart has revealed that cardiac cells organize into communities and interact with their environment....