The resident of Bellcaire d’Empordà (Girona) accused of killing his five-year-old son in the early hours of April 3, stabbed his partner twenty times all over his body and broke several bones in his face, for which he required surgical intervention, according to research reports.

The alleged parricide appeared this past Saturday before the Court of Instruction number 1 of Bisbal d’Empordà and, as he did at the police headquarters, he availed himself of his right not to testify. In the coming days, this court will recuse itself in favor of court number 4, in charge of cases of violence against women.

Alex B.G. He is accused of crimes of murder, attempted murder with gender aggravations, cruelty and kinship and faces a reviewable permanent prison sentence. The main hypothesis being considered in the investigation is that, when he attacked her partner, Astrid, 29 years old and mother of the minor, he wanted to end her life and that she thought she was dead when she left the family home after the attack.

As explained by the accused in the reconstruction of the events, between 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. last Tuesday, April 2, he consumed alcohol and cocaine, in the latter specific case slightly less than half a gram, a dose recognized as daily.

Afterwards, he went to his parents’ house in Torroella de Montgrí (Girona), where he had been living for a few days since Astrid had decided that she wanted to separate. Between 1:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. he was talking to his father and then he took her company vehicle despite not having a driving license and was detected by cameras at 3:44 a.m. when he was driving. towards Bellcaire d’Empordà.

The now detained man explained to the investigators that he entered the family home with his keys, went to the room where the mother and child were sleeping, she asked him what he was doing there and he attacked her with a multipurpose knife with a blade of between 5 and 6 centimeters.

He stabbed her up to twenty times in the cervical area, one hand, one leg, forearm, posterior thorax, entire back and caused a bilateral pneumothorax.

Just as he acknowledged the attack on his partner, he did not do so with the child, but he did detail that, after leaving the house, when he passed the entrance he saw the woman sitting and returned to drag her by one foot to the kitchen and hit her. with a metal structure, which caused him to break several bones in his face such as his jaw and right cheekbone.

According to the times of the camera images, which captured her returning to Torroella de Montgrí at 04:22 hours, the attack lasted about twenty minutes and it was not until more than an hour later, at 05:45, when she managed to go out and ask for help from the neighbor across the street, who called the emergency number.

When he was arrested, the accused told the Mossos d’Esquadra that he had “gone out of his mind” and that he had thrown the murder weapon in a field, although when they searched him they found the bloody Swiss army knife still on his key ring.

The investigators are waiting to advance their work once they take a statement from Astrid, who is progressing favorably in serious condition and is already admitted to the Trueta Hospital in Girona.