India’s top male model Karan Oberoi also known as KO, who is also a fitness model, has the most adorable body in India today . He is one of the macho models in the Indian modeling industry.
KO started his career as a şehirlerarası evden eve nakliyat graphic designer before he got into modelling. After appearing in several ads, he won the “Top Fitness Model” title last year and  today he is one of the most successful models in India.
Because of his aesthetic physique, sincerity and hard work he has established himself as one of the most influential fitness icon in the country. This macho hunk is maintaining his beautiful physique since a decade. In one of his interviews he said that, he is always addicted to fitness and for him fitness is a lifestyle.“ Workout and eating healthy food should be your lifestyle if you want to look fit with 6 pack abs all year around” KO said. 
KO’s Diet Tips: 
According to him, for achieving the desired look, you need to focus more on nutrition part than training. Only 30% depends on the training part and the remaining 70% depends entirely on your diet. Without following proper diet you can’t achieve your fitness goal. 
Balance of Protein & Carbohydrate:
Your diet should be rich in protein and carbohydrates. For getting all essential nutrients it is recommended to include more veggies, fruits and nuts. The trick lies in eating less carbs and high protein diet. 
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should not be ignored. You may add egg whites for protein, which is a BCCA rich food.  
Body Mechanism :
In order to cope up with intense workout routine you should fuel your body. The lack of nutrients, protein etc. may lead to injury. A nutritious post workout meal is a must, that is a protein shake.
You don’t need to cut carbs entirely to achieve that lean and muscular look. Everybody loves carbs in country like ours, especially rice. You can take them early in the day in breakfast or lunch, so you will get whole day to burn those calories. It is important not to take carbs after 7 pm in the evening.
Importance of drinking Water:
Water is essential for muscle building and it’s maintenance. It will also help your skin and hair health. Taking extra water can also boost calorie burning, helping you to lose some extra weight as drinking a lot of water helps in loosing extra water from the body and balancing sodium levels.
Supplements to be used:
KO gives a lot of importance to using good brand of protein shake powders and avoiding low quality Indian brands as they can damage your body in long run. He also uses pre workout, BCAA’s, creatine, glutamine and stack them with diet.
Things to stay away:
It is okay to have an occasional cheat meal but it doesn’t mean you can have it every day. Yes, for achieving your fitness goal you have to sacrifice. You must avoid all kinds of fried junk foods and sugary foods, sodas and keep yourself away from any sort of drug abuse including alcohol and cigarettes.  
KO’S Diet
Morning: Oats and one scoop of protein powder with water or milk &
8 egg white and 2 pieces of brown bread.
Brunch: One glass of orange juice.
Lunch: Quinoa and chicken breast with steam veggies.
Evening: a glass of orange juice or a fruit bowl and one scoop of protein.
Night: Green leafy salad and fish.
Before sleep: Zero sodium content protein shake.
KO’s Workout Plan
KO  workout is usually 2 body parts a day that is usually 3 days a week and 3 days of intense running, preferably 5 am in the morning. According to KO, cardio plays a very important role if you want to have lean and muscular physique. Each workout in the gym should have 12 to 15 reps and each body part should have 5 variations of the exercise.
As KO himself doesn’t involve in any of the vices, he also expects everyone to stay way from smoking, drinking and any sort of drugs as far as possible because fitness comes from the inside. If the roots are strong, tree is definitely going to blossom some day or another.
KO’s  Workout  Schedule
Monday- chest and triceps
Chest- flat bench press, incline dumbbell press, decline pull over, cable cross over
Triceps- close grip bench press, cable pushdown, parallel bar dips.
Tuesday- intense running with 45 min abs
Abs- exercise ball reverse crunch, hanging leg raise, plank.
Wednesday- Back and biceps.
Back- pull ups, cable seated row, one arm dumbbell row.
Biceps- barbell curl, dumbbell alternate bicep curl and concentrated curls.
Thursday- Intense running and on spot jumping with change in abs exercises.
Friday- Shoulder and legs
Shoulder- barbell shoulder press, dumbbell lateral raise, front raise
Legs- barbell front squat, seated leg curl, calf press, leg extension.
Saturday- Running and change in cardio vascular exercises.
Sunday- Rest Day.