Isabel Pantoja is now fully recovered after the unexpected health problem she had and which forced her to cancel some concerts on her 50th anniversary tour in music. “We are very pleased to report that Ms. Isabel Pantoja has fully recovered and has been discharged from hospital due to her slight illness,” her team said in a statement.

With this, the tour will resume as expected, but it seems that he will not attend all the concerts that the promoter had planned. According to Antonio Rossi, the tonadillera has refused to sing in Malaga for a clear reason. “It would be the first time she would return and it is a difficult place for her with all the connotations that it indicates,” he revealed.

The journalist has put on the table that the singer has expressly asked not to do more concerts than those she has already signed: “She has 12 left. She has asked that no other concerts be signed or extended under any circumstances this year, and we will see next year.” All this is because she with these “she already has enough”.

And it won’t be because he hasn’t received any offers. “Isabel Pantoja has actively and passively refused to sing in the province of Malaga. She has rejected Fuengirola, she has rejected Málaga, she has rejected Starlite and she has rejected Marbella”, she has revealed on the program Let’s see.

With this refusal, Isabel Pantoja would be losing out on earning approximately 400,000 euros. Something that is due to the bad memory that she keeps of her time in Malaga, especially in Marbella. The time she lived with Julián Muñoz and her subsequent imprisonment have made the tonadillera want to get away from that place as much as possible.

“Even if he doesn’t want to land at the Malaga airport, because he doesn’t remember what was happening with the plane that began to uncover everything, they were looking for a heliport, they were looking for a runway, they were looking for any option that would take him almost directly to the premises without having than even spending the night in Malaga. And there was no way,” Rossi continued. It seems that if there is something that the singer is clear about, it is this.

This decision has been respected by most of the collaborators sitting on the program’s couch, although it has also been highly questioned. “Let us remember that this tour is planned based on solving a debt of four million euros with the Treasury,” Sandra Aladro began to express, trying to find a reason.

“This concert tour is obviously not going to make it up to you. If she wants to stand down herself, it is difficult for me to understand the logic of this decision,” she continued. Something that Alessandro Lequio has supported.