Last Saturday, 15 Poor Clare nuns from Belorado (Burgos) decided to close their convent and hang a sign that read: “Private property. No trespassing”. Since then, a schism has formed over the church. They themselves claim that they have been suffering harassment from their superiors and equals since they decided to carry out a real estate operation, which they did not like at all.

Given this, they have decided to leave the Catholic Church to follow in the footsteps of Pablo de Rojas Sánchez-Franco, an excommunicated bishop, and the Pía Unión Sancti Pauli Apostoli order. They allege that they do not plan to leave the place where they live, property of the church, and that they want to continue with their lives. Given this, Sister Lucía Caram has not been able to avoid going to the media to accuse what is happening.

“It makes me very sad because I see that here there is manipulation of the nuns and that behind it is this nefarious character, who is a non-bishop and the priest is a mixologist,” the well-known Argentine nun began to relate. And she is clear that “possibly” they have been abducted and taken to “do a real estate operation for which they were not qualified.”

Likewise, he sees it as correct that the bishopric had to intervene in this matter and sends his support to Bishop Iceta so that he can reach the end of this matter and resolve it. Among other things, he sees it as normal that they have to abide by the rules, since they are part of an institution.

“You have made some vows and you have entered into a dynamic, you have to accept certain canons also in the real estate part,” he continued. And this is the main problem, since the 15 nuns claim to be able to sell a convent that they own and that is empty in Derio (Vizcaya). With this, they claim that they want to sell it to be able to face the purchase of the Orduña monastery. Something that has been “blocked” by Rome, as they claimed.

“And what we have here is that there has been a purchase, which ends up being a fraud, because they cannot sell without authorization,” said Sister Lucía Caram.

On the other hand, he wanted to directly attack Pablo de Rojas and José Ceaceros, spokesperson for the 15 nuns. “They meet a person, who is this bishop who ends up welcoming them and I believe that this is not an issue of a schism, this is an issue of a sect that has the nuns confused and we are going to see how it ends” , the Argentine has expressed, being very blunt with her words.

Some statements that Sister Xiskya Valladares, a nun also in the media, has stated that she shares and has revealed the greatest fear she currently has: “That they will try to monopolize more faithful for that sect of Rojas.” Now, she remains to see how all this evolves, that new data comes out every hour, and how many more people want to offer their statements about what happened.