On Wednesday, the 15th, Shhh finally arrived, the program most anticipated by viewers loyal to the old Sálvame, which entertained every afternoon on Telecinco with its gossip, fights between collaborators and unique moments that are already part of history. from the television.

The program is now broadcast on YouTube and Twitch, where some 36,000 people followed the premiere; and it has already left some memorable moments. The most emotional, without a doubt, came near the end, with María Patiño and Belén Esteban trying unsuccessfully not to cry when reading the letter from a colleague who is going through a delicate stage of health.

The first program concluded this first broadcast by reading a letter from one of their colleagues, Rocío Martín Vázquez, who wanted to send them her best wishes in this new adventure. “I’m going to read this because you wanted us to read it. “Rocío Martín Vázquez, our partner,” María Patiño begins by saying, to inform the audience about who it was.

He then went on to read the message. ”My dear ones, right now this is the only thing I can do for you. I am sending you this detail one day before the premiere of Ni que fueramos to wish you the best of luck in this premiere, because on the 15th I know you will go like crazy,” Rocío Martín wished them, assuring that “you deserve all the best for this effort and because you have the best heads in the universe. I just wish you all the best of luck.”

The deputy director of Sálvame added at the end a message that broke the collaborators: “I am sending you the little energy my brain has right now. “I want my heart and my madness to be with you.”

Upon finishing reading the letter, María Patiño confessed that Rocío was going through a very difficult time in terms of her health – without going into details – but she was recovering. Fans of the old Sálvame will remember Rocío, deputy director of Sálvame, always sitting next to David Valldeperas; Currently, she is deputy director at Fabricantes Studio and, as María Patiño stated, “emotional baton” of many of her colleagues.

“This is for you, Rocío Martín Vázquez,” said María Patiño, with her companions unable to hold back their tears. Especially Belén Esteban, who could not help but appear very excited, since she has always expressed great affection for Rocío, both in public and on her social networks and in private.

“We love you Rocío,” Patiño exclaimed with a trembling voice, to which Belén Esteban joined, adding: “A lot, Rocío.”

Despite this bittersweet ending, the collaborators have given their all in this first episode, leaving details that have shown that they plan to go all out after dinner, as they already did for more than a decade at Mediaset.