Isabel Preysler celebrated International Women’s Day with a smile and assuring that, three months after her break with Mario Vargas Llosa, she had “absolutely” turned the page.

However, seeing the cover of the magazine Hello! of this week somewhat contradicts her blunt statement, as her ex-husband, Julio Iglesias, appears as if she had just emerged from one of her album covers, offering her all his support in a new installment of this war that seems to never end.

After years of silence, the singer reappears from the Bahamas, where he lives with Miranda and their young children; breaking a spear in favor of the mother of her three eldest children, to whom he continues to have the same respect and affection as he had since her divorce 45 years ago.

Julio and Isabel may have stopped being a couple, but he has not wanted to stop defending her, despite the fact that he has not offered statements for years, grants interviews and it is rare that he is seen at some type of public event; something that gives even more value to his words.

“I am putting myself in a shirt of eleven rods and that this is not like me, but I want to do it for my ex-wife, because she deserves it and because it is deeply unfair how they are behaving with her,” he affirms, emphatically, assuring that he takes a position that he is sure that both Carlos Falcó and Miguel Boyer, both deceased, would also take.

The singer has a clear opinion about the separation of Isabel and Mario Vargas Llosa: it has been anything but “elegant”: “A gentleman and a gentleman know how to end things. He goes out publicly and wishes the other person all happiness”, he says, with a clear message for those third parties who insist on muddying the image of his ex-wife.

“If someone wants to interfere, it is said that it is a matter of two in which one must not interfere and respect. The behavior of Mr. Vargas Llosa has left much to be desired,” he insists, adding that the writer should have “controlled” the way people around you act.

A support for an Isabel that the interpreter of hits like La Carretera considers a “champion” and an “exemplary mother” and “woman of ten”, to whom something “very unfair” is happening. What’s more, he also gets into the subject of Laura Boyer and her posthumous interview, lamenting that her words leave Isabel “defenseless” by not being able to “defend yourself or respond to someone who is no longer there” because “everything becomes mere speculation “.

For several weeks, Isabel Preysler has opted for discretion. Above all, after the publication of the images of the writer Vargas Llosa with her ex-wife, Patricia Llosa, with whom she is rumored to have resumed her marriage shortly after her breakup. The socialite has not said a word, although she did see fit to leak a controversial letter that the Peruvian sent her at the beginning of their romance, in which she made it clear that she was aware of the relationship, something that the woman of letters still denied for active and passive.