Cristina Pedroche is spending a few days of disconnection with her two favorite people: her husband, chef Dabiz Muñoz; and their daughter, little Laia, who will turn one year old next July. The family of three has escaped to Menorca for a few days to rest together, before starting their next summer projects.

A trip that comes a few days after the presentation of the Atresmedia presenter’s first book, Thanks to fear, which is being a complete success and in which she recounts the experiences she has lived since she became a mother and all those fears that I thought I would never experience it. Some fears that she is gradually overcoming thanks to unconditional support and specialized help; just as she herself wanted to share through her Instagram account.

“This photo is just to keep as a memory, to show myself that I can, that the fears are slowly going away,” confesses the presenter. “Now I feel unstoppable,” she adds, enthusiastically. Of course, without taking huge leaps, because there is still a long way to go. “My hands and legs are also shaking from the tension I felt until I did it,” she says.

In recent months, the presenter has detailed everything she has felt since becoming a mother, acknowledging not only that she is going through a hard time in her life, but that she is truly afraid of what could happen. Still, she claimed that she was fighting hard to overcome her fears. “Although now I see practically everything blurry, I know that I will shine again,” she insisted in one of her last publications.

A story that the Zapeando collaborator has captured in her book, which she will launch on June 5 and that she trusts will help many other women in the same situation.

“I feel like I have a story to tell and I think there will be people who will want to read it and it will help them,” the presenter wrote a few days ago after the presentation of the book. A moment in which she also took the opportunity to thank those who continue to stand by her side, without letting go of her hand. “Thank you for all the love I am receiving, I feel totally overwhelmed. Thank you”.

The presenter claimed a few hours ago on the social network that she was being “very, very happy” in Menorca. But of course, her Instagram account would not be the same without her usual detractors and critics, who showed her obvious discontent with this display of happiness from Vallecas.

“The order of the factors does alter the product; To disconnect previously you would have to be connected…”, a user expressed in the comments section. “You spend your life disconnecting, you don’t have a nose or anything,” added another. “I think everything slips away from you. I sincerely hope that you never truly have depression,” said one of her followers. “This is a movie,” another continued.

Some criticism to which the presenter tries to turn a deaf ear. It is not the first time that Cristina Pedroche has to face all kinds of comments. A few weeks ago she used her Instagram stories to expose some of them and to make it clear that, in her opinion, “we need to work more on empathy.”