Barely a week after the official premiere of Nor that we were Shhh on the Quickie Channel we can already confirm that it is a complete success. The program presented by María Patiño has managed to become one of the most viewed spaces on streaming platforms such as Twitch or YouTube, as well as occupying the main conversation on social networks such as Instagram and X (previously known as Twitter).

The different collaborators of the space (Kiko Matamoros, Belén Esteban, Chelo García Cortés, Víctor Sandoval, Lydia Lozano…) appear more loose and foul-mouthed than ever, since for years they had to submit to censorship and the ethical code of Mediaset Spain and now they are absolutely free.

The return of the legendary talk shows to the small screen has caused a wave of massive support on social networks, as well as a popular reaction of joy and gratitude towards the brave people who have created their own entertainment space.

Thousands of spectators in our country were impatiently awaiting the moments ‘in the purest Sálvame style’: unflattering costumes, Lydia and her dances, Belén Esteban and her memes, Patiño and her emotions, etc. 

Although they have only had seven live programs, the format’s workers have shown that they are television animals and that they know how to row in favor of the show to provide content.

During yesterday’s program, after talking for a long time about Ángel Cristo Jr. (who has been disciplinaryly expelled from Survivors for breaking the rules), María pronounced a word in Latin (dixit). Since they were not very clear what that term meant, Patiño asked her partner Belén to ask her cell phone.

The Paracuellos del Jarama collaborator, visibly concentrated, tried to ask Siri about the word, but she began to confuse Spanish with English and Latin: ”It means ‘This is”’. 

Once they told her that she had made a mistake and that she had to look it up in the Roman language, Belén decided to ignore her classmates and tried to find the date on which Orfidal began to be sold in pharmacies in Spain, all for the sake of knowing if Ángel Christ told the truth in an interview a few months ago. Lost in the conversation, Patiño responded sincerely: ”Excuse me?”

The video of the funny moment on the set has gone viral on the Internet and hundreds of users have left comments of humor, laughter and celebration on social networks and platforms such as Instagram or X.

”Great”, ”The best thing today was this”, ”What I laughed at”, ”They are unbeatable” or ”Who would prefer to see SiesteAR over this? ” are some of the comments that can be read online.