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What is tialism or hypersalivation? | Symptoms, causes and how to treat the disease

Thialism, ptyalism, sialorrhea, hypersialia or hypersalivation, colloquially known as chronic drooling, is an oral disease. It is not serious, but it is uncomfortable and...

What is costochondritis? | Symptoms, causes and how to treat the disease

Costochondritis or costosternum syndrome is a swelling of the cartilage that connects a rib to the sternum and causes pain similar to that of...

Catalan educational centers will formally regulate the use of mobile phones in this course

The Conselleria d'Educació will order all schools in Catalonia, public and private, to formally regulate the use of mobile phones in their centers. The...

Childhood violence: x-ray of a scourge

It is not that man who tries to tempt children with some candy, nor the one who waits for his moment in a dark...

Four former students denounce sexual abuse by a nurse from the Jesuits of Casp

A court in Barcelona is investigating the alleged sexual abuse committed by a nurse and member of the congregation of the Jesuits of Casp...

A Spanish tourist dies in Bali after participating in a diving expedition

The Indonesian authorities confirmed this Thursday that a woman of Spanish nationality, a 57-year-old nurse, has died after a diving expedition on Tulamben beach,...

Moreno, from Hutchison Ports BEST: "The logistics sector has not learned anything from covid"

The commercial director of the Hutchison Ports BEST terminal at the Port of Barcelona, ​​Jorge Moreno, has stated that "sustainability is the great revolution...

The 7 news you need to know this Thursday morning, November 9

Hello good morning!There is already an agreement PSOE-Junts to unblock the investiture. The amnesty is known to be central. There is no doubt that...

If you have a teenager, this may interest you

This article is about parents who try to give the best to their children, and teenagers who don't understand their parents. Mutual incomprehension is...

What is synovitis? | Symptoms, causes and how to treat the disease

The synovial membrane is a connective tissue that covers the joint capsule, a bubble-like structure that surrounds joints such as the knee, hip, ankle,...

Hachiko, a faithful dog beyond death

Japan has an idol and it is not a manga artist or a sumo wrestler. He is Hachiko, a robust dog of the native...

On a motorcycle with 200,000 euros in 50 bills

The Municipal Police of Madrid are investigating the origin of 200,000 euros in cash, divided into 50 bills, which were seized from a motorcyclist...

The Sant Pau hospital performs the first total abdominal reconstruction in the world

A multidisciplinary team from the Sant Pau hospital in Barcelona has performed the first 'perfect' reconstruction of the abdominal wall, so that it recovers...

A sub-inspector of the Oviedo Local Police arrested for driving drunk and driving in...

A sub-inspector of the Oviedo Local Police has been arrested by other Citizen Security agents accused of a crime against road safety for allegedly...

The family of the young man shot dead in Lleida 17 years ago continues...

On November 9, 2006, Isaac Martínez was shot dead when he was leaving his car from a parking lot in the Cappont neighborhood of...

The 7 news you need to know this Wednesday morning, November 8

Hello good morning!Iberian surge: crisis in Portugal due to suspicions of corruption in the Government; critical situation in Spain due to the investiture negotiation...

Girona and Madrid, twinned by death (I): Where is Montse Méndez?

Montserrat Méndez disappeared without a trace on October 23, 2013, after having a few drinks in the Can Gibert del Pla bar area. No...

An ambulance company must pay 19,600 euros to a driver for 1,050 overtime hours...

The company Ambuibérica will have to pay an ambulance driver from Palencia more than 19,600 euros for overtime hours accumulated over five years, which...

Health finances Recigarum, a drug to quit smoking in 25 days: requirements to obtain...

Smokers now have a second medication with which they can quit in just 25 days and which the Ministry of Health will finance once...

The fear of young people of taking a career path that conditions their future

From a conversation between two friends, Dilluns is born, a documentary directed by Anna Truyol and Álvaro Sanz, which narrates in more than 30...

Ultra-processed foods generate an addiction similar to that of alcohol or tobacco

14% of the adult population and 12% of children are addicted to ultra-processed foods, which implies an “unprecedented” level of addiction never recorded in...

What is otomycosis? | Symptoms, causes and how to treat the disease

Otomycosis, a type of external otitis, is an acute, subacute or chronic infection caused by yeast and filamentous fungi that affects the external auditory...

A 63-year-old worker dies after being crushed by an excavator shovel in Velilla

A 63-year-old worker died this Tuesday after being crushed by an excavator shovel in the Madrid municipality of Velilla de San Antonio, Emergencies 112...

A radio amateur prevents a robbery by intercepting the thieves' communications

A radio amateur foiled a robbery this weekend after listening to the conversations of some thieves and quickly alerted the Mossos d'Esquadra, who thanks...

These are the telescope's spectacular first images of the dark universe

The European Space Agency (ESA) has today published the first images obtained by Euclid, an ambitious mission whose main objective is to create the...

The 7 news you need to know this Tuesday, November 7, morning

Hello good morning!Justice breaks into the horizon of an investiture pact for Sánchez that has not yet been closed. More tension. More doubts. More...

Óscar Puente's stalker arrested again, now for breaking his mother's restraining order

The National Police has once again arrested Lucas Burgueño, the man who scolded PSOE deputy Óscar Puente on the AVE, in this case as...

Four years in prison for trying to kidnap two children: once he was stopped...

The first time she tried to kidnap a three-year-old boy who was outside a bar in Santa Cruz de Tenerife: she grabbed him forcefully...

The 2030 SDGs are stalling

The pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the recent escalation of violence in the Middle East have put in check the Sustainable Development Goals...

A new agenda for international peace: new answers to old questions?

September 2024 is the date set for world leaders to discuss global security and economic threats. One of the main reports that will be...