A teenager died this Thursday from a shark attack in a remote coastal vacation and surfing area in South Australia. The victim went about 30 or 40 meters into the sea. It was there that the attack occurred, around 1:30 p.m. local time, on Ethel Beach, near the Innes National Park in the state of South Australia, the Police of this Australian jurisdiction explained in a statement.

At first, the authorities noted that emergency services had been mobilized to the scene to treat the victim who was suffering serious injuries. However, hours later they indicated that the man, whose age was not specified, died from his injuries before help arrived and that “the teenager’s body was recovered lifeless from the water.”

In October, two shark attacks were recorded in the waters of this region, which resulted in the death of a 55-year-old surfer, while the other caused leg injuries to a swimmer who, fortunately, survived the attack.

In May, another man, aged 46, lost his life while surfing after suffering a shark attack on a beach in the coastal town of Elliston, also in South Australia, while in February a 16-year-old teenager lost her life to following a shark attack in a Western Australian river.

Despite this, shark attacks on humans are not common and, according to the latest annual report from the International Shark Attack File (ISAF) at the University of Florida, 57 unprovoked shark attacks were recorded in 2022. sharks around the world. The figure, although it may seem large, is the lowest in the last ten years.